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Comparative studies on three isolates of Breda virus of calves
Authors:G N Woode  L J Saif  M Quesada  N J Winand  J F Pohlenz  N K Gourley
Three isolates of Breda virus of calves were compared morphologically and antigenically. The isolates demonstrated similar morphology and shared common antigens, as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoelectron microscopy. On the basis of results of the hemagglutination-inhibition test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunoelectron microscopy, the 3 isolates were further subdivided into 2 serotypes: serotype 1 (Breda virus 1) represented by the Iowa isolate 1; and serotype 2 (Breda virus 2), by the Ohio isolate and the Iowa isolate 2. The 3 isolates caused diarrhea in gnotobiotic calves.
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