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引用本文:张运红,杨占平,郑春风,和爱玲,秦毛毛,黄绍敏,刘艳喜,骆晓声,杨红燕,张江川. 几种生物刺激素对小麦产量形成及品质的调控[J]. 麦类作物学报, 2019, 0(11): 1333-1342
作者姓名:张运红  杨占平  郑春风  和爱玲  秦毛毛  黄绍敏  刘艳喜  骆晓声  杨红燕  张江川
作者单位:(1.河南省农业科学院植物营养与资源环境研究所/河南省农业生态与环境重点实验室,河南郑州 450002;2.河南省农业科学院小麦研究所,河南郑州 450002;3. 聊城市土壤肥料工作站, 山东聊城;4.上海通微生物技术有限公司)
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0800405) ;河南省农业科学院自主创新项目(2060302)
摘    要:为比较农用腐殖酸、生化腐殖酸、海藻酸钠寡糖、氨基酸、复合生物刺激素在小麦上的应用效果,采用盆栽试验,分析了这5种生物刺激素喷施对小麦产量形成及品质的影响。结果表明,喷施5种生物刺激素均可一定程度促进小麦旗叶的生长和提高SPAD值,以海藻酸钠寡糖处理效果最优,其净光合速率和水分利用效率较对照均显著增加,气孔限制值则显著下降。除氨基酸处理外,其他生物刺激素处理均可不同程度增加小麦产量,也以海藻酸钠寡糖处理效果最佳,其穗顶部、中部和基部的籽粒重、穗粒数及千粒重均显著增加。5种生物刺激素处理均能不同程度提高小麦总淀粉含量,以生化腐殖酸处理效果最优;此外,生化腐殖酸、农用腐殖酸和海藻酸钠寡糖处理还可提高支链淀粉含量,降低直/支比。除农用腐殖酸外,其余生物刺激素处理的蛋白质、湿面筋和干面筋含量均显著下降。综合而言,5种生物刺激素中,以海藻酸钠寡糖对小麦产量形成的促进效果较好,但对品质具有不利影响。

关 键 词:生物刺激素;小麦;产量形成;品质;调控

Regulation of Several Kinds of Biostimulants on Yield Formation and Grain Quality in Wheat
ZHANG Yunhong,YANG Zhanping,ZHENG Chunfeng,HE Ailing,QIN Maomao,HUANG Shaomin,LIU Yanxi,LUO Xiaosheng,YANG Hongyan,ZHANG Jiangchuan. Regulation of Several Kinds of Biostimulants on Yield Formation and Grain Quality in Wheat[J]. Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2019, 0(11): 1333-1342
Authors:ZHANG Yunhong  YANG Zhanping  ZHENG Chunfeng  HE Ailing  QIN Maomao  HUANG Shaomin  LIU Yanxi  LUO Xiaosheng  YANG Hongyan  ZHANG Jiangchuan
Abstract:In order to compare the effects of five biostimulants on wheat production,pot experiments were conducted to clarify their effects on yield formation and grain quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The results showed that spraying the five kinds of biostimulants promoted the growth of flag leaves and increased the SPAD value to different extents. The effect under the treatment with alginate oligosaccharides was the best in all,and net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency were significantly increased,but stomatal limitation value was decreased significantly. Except for amino acid treatment,other biostimulants treatments increased wheat yield in varying degrees.Alginate oligosaccharide treatment was the best,and the grain weight at the top,middle and base of panicle,the total number of grains per panicle and 1 000-grain weight were increased significantly. Five kinds of biostimulants treatments increased the total starch content of wheat in varying degrees,among which biochemical humic acid treatment was the best. In addition,the treatments of biochemical humic acid,agricultural humic acid and alginate oligosaccharides also increased amylopectin content and reduced the ratio of amylopectin to amylose. Except for humic acid treatment,the protein content,wet gluten and dry gluten content of the other biostimulants decreased significantly.Alginate oligosaccharides had better effect on wheat growth,but had adverse effects on gluten formation.
Keywords:Biostimulants   Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)   Yield formation   Quality   Regulation
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