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引用本文:杨伟伟,陈锡龙,刘航空,张满让,张东,韩明玉. 矮化中间砧短枝富士苹果高纺锤树形冠层结构与光能截获的三维模拟[J]. 中国农业科学, 2014, 47(23): 4680-4694. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.23.013
作者姓名:杨伟伟  陈锡龙  刘航空  张满让  张东  韩明玉
作者单位:西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100
摘    要:
【目的】建立苹果冠层结构的三维虚拟植物模型,为精确、量化评价果树冠层空间结构及光截获提供方法指导,为果树树形选择及优化提供理论依据。【方法】以14年生矮化中间砧高纺锤形富士(西府海棠/M26/礼泉短富)为试材,以田间树体数字化测定为基础,获取枝叶特定形态参数,利用计算机模拟重建三维虚拟植物。借助虚拟植物模型进行虚拟试验,定量研究冠层结构、光截获和果实的空间分布。【结果】确定了树体枝叶间异速生长关系:枝(梢)长度分别与枝(梢)叶片数量和枝(梢)的总叶面积、叶片长度分别与叶柄长度和叶片宽度、叶片长度的平方与叶面积间均呈显著线性关系。结合三维数字化技术与枝叶间异速生长关系,构建了苹果冠层三维虚拟植物模型,结果表明:叶片数量及叶片面积模拟值与实测值间决定系数分别为0.92和0.95,均方根误差分别为1.18和31.5 cm2,相对误差分别为7.15%和5.86%。模型精度可满足冠层结构与光截获评价要求;模型可量化模拟各类枝梢及整体冠层叶面积、体积、光照射叶片面积、冠层或枝(梢)叶片被光线照射到的照射叶面积与总叶面积比值(STAR)、郁闭度、叶面积密度相对方差(ξ)及STAR值的日动态变化。矮化中间砧高纺锤树形枝(梢)主要分布于冠层高度0.5-2.5 m和距树干水平距离20-80 cm空间范围内,占总枝梢叶面积比例74.88%。整体冠层体积、郁闭度分比为4.47 m3、44.62%;营养短枝(梢)、营养长枝(梢)及果台副梢分别占树体体积的69.73%、43.50%和41.26%,三者郁闭度分别为60.77%、54.12%和83.15%,平均STAR值分别为0.10、0.23和0.13;各类枝(梢)STAR值空间分布规律明显,随冠层高度及距树干水平距离增大而逐渐增加。果实主要分布于冠层高度0.5-2.0 m和距树干水平距离20-60 cm空间区域;单位面积产量4.1×104 kg/667 m2;冠层适宜的营养短枝(梢)、营养长枝(梢)、果台副梢叶面积比例为69.70%-73.13%﹕11.25%-15.18%﹕11.16%-14.27%,适宜STAR值分别为0.08、0.14和0.11。整体冠层、营养短枝(梢)和果台副梢的STAR值日变化曲线近似于双峰曲线,营养长枝(梢)STAR值日变化为单峰曲线;各类枝(梢)STAR值皆与果台副梢数量呈显著负相关关系,与果实可溶性固形物、单果重及横径呈显著正相关关系。【结论】三维虚拟植物模型可用于果树冠层结构及光截获的精准量化评价,STAR值可量化评价冠层光截获效率。

关 键 词:富士苹果  虚拟植物  高纺锤形  光截获  STAR  

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Canopy Structure and Light Interception for Tall Spindle Shape of Spur ‘Fuji’ Apple with Dwarf Interstock
YANG Wei-wei,CHEN Xi-long,LIU Hang-kong,ZHANG Man-rang,ZHANG Dong,HAN Ming-yu. Three-Dimensional Simulation of Canopy Structure and Light Interception for Tall Spindle Shape of Spur ‘Fuji’ Apple with Dwarf Interstock[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(23): 4680-4694. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.23.013
Authors:YANG Wei-wei  CHEN Xi-long  LIU Hang-kong  ZHANG Man-rang  ZHANG Dong  HAN Ming-yu
Affiliation:College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi
【Objective】The present study was conducted to construct three-dimensional(3D) plant virtual model of canopy structure of apple, to provide precise and quantitative method for evaluating canopy structure and light interception of fruit tree and provide data for growers to make proper training and pruning in high density planting systems. 【Method】 Two 14-year-old tall spindle shape of ‘Fuji’ apple with dwarf insterstock were chosen as materials to construct 3D virtual plant model based on 3D digitizing for these trees and measuring morphological indexes of leaves and shoots in a global range of trees. The 3D distribution of leaf area, light interception according to shoot types and fruit yield were studied quantitatively.【Result】The allometric relationship among indexes of shoot and leaf morphology was established. There existed significant linear correlations between shoot length and shoot leaf number, shoot leaf area, respectively, leaf length and petiole length, leaf width, respectively, and the square of leaf length and leaf area. The three-dimensional plant virtual model of apple was constructed by combining 3D digitizing and the allometric relationship between shoot and leaf morphology indexes. For leaf number of shoot and leaf area of shoot between simulated and measured, the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.92 and 0.95, respectively, root mean square error (RMSE) was 1.18 and 31.5 cm2, and relative prediction error (RE) was 7.15% and 5.86%, respectively. The precision of 3D virtual plant model can meet the requirements for analyzing canopy light interception and structure. The model can be used to quantitatively simulate leaf area, volume, projected leaf area, STAR, overcrowded ratio, relative variance of leaf area density (ξ) and diurnal variation of STAR at shoot and tree scale. For tall spindle shape of ‘Fuji’ with dwarf interstock, the shoots mainly distributed in 0.5-2.5 m height and 20-80 cm to trunk in horizontal distance within canopy, 74.88% leaf area was in this zone. The volume and ratio of overcrowded of canopy were 4.47 m3 and 44.62%, respectively. For vegetative short shoot, vegetative long shoot and bourse shoot, the relative volume to whole canopy volume was 69.73%, 43.50% and 41.26%, respectively, the ratio of overcrowded was 60.77%, 54.12% and 83.15%, respectively, the mean STAR value was 0.10, 0.23 and 0.14, respectively, the STAR value increased gradually from bottom to top and also increased from inner to outer of the canopy regardless of shoot types. Yield of fruits mainly distributed in 0.5-2.0 m height and 20-60 cm to trunk in horizontal distance within canopy and was about 4.1×103 kg per 667m2. Diurnal variation of STAR for the whole canopy, vegetative short shoot and bourse shoot was bimodal curve and for vegetative long shoot was unimodal curve. STAR values, no matter which shoot types, had a significant negative correlation with bourse shoot number and had a significant positive correlation with soluble solids, fruit weight and diameter, respectively.【Conclusion】Three-dimensional virtual plant model can be used to evaluate the tree structure and light interception precisely and quantitatively. STAR also can be used to evaluate canopy light interception efficiency quantitatively.
Keywords:Fuji apple  virtual plant  tall spindle shape  light interception  STAR
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