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引用本文:刘亚婷,罗英,曾仁杰,钟金仙,曾慧芳,吴立东. 黄瓜种质资源形态学标记和SRAP标记的遗传多样性分析[J]. 中国农学通报, 2017, 33(18): 35-41
作者姓名:刘亚婷  罗英  曾仁杰  钟金仙  曾慧芳  吴立东
基金项目:福建省科技厅星火计划项目“早熟高产黄瓜新品种--明研4 号示范推广”(2014S0025)。
摘    要:旨在探索黄瓜种质资源的遗传多样性,为今后黄瓜选育优良品种提供可靠依据。以48份黄瓜种质资源为材料,用DPS软件对各品种的13个表型性状进行聚类分析,同时利用SRAP分子标记对其进行遗传多样性研究。结果表明:根据果实性状等形态学标记聚类分析得出,在阈值75.0处,可以将48份黄瓜种质资源分成5大类群。利用UPGMA法对SRAP分子标记结果聚类分析发现,黄瓜种质间的遗传相似系数在0.52~0.93之间,在遗传相似系数为0.64处,可以将其分成5大类群,形态学标记和SRAP分子标记的聚类结果存在较大差异。由此可见,SRAP分子标记较形态学标记能更好地分析品种间亲缘关系的远近,对黄瓜遗传多样性研究更具指导意义。

关 键 词:黄瓜  种质资源  形态学标记  SRAP标记  遗传多样性

Genetic Diversity of Cucumber Germplasm Resources Analyzed by Morphological Markers and SRAP Markers
Abstract:To explore the genetic diversity of cucumber germplasm resources and provide a basis for future selection of excellent varieties, with 48 accessions of cucumber germplasm resources as the materials, cluster analysis of 13 phenotypic characters of varieties was conducted by DPS software. Meanwhile, SRAP markers were used to study their genetic diversity. The results showed that, based on the cluster analysis of the fruit characters and other morphological characters, the 48 accessions of cucumber germplasm were divided into five groups at 75.0 of the threshold value. Cluster analysis of SRAP molecular markers by UPGMA method showed that the genetic similarity coefficient among cucumber germplasms was between 0.52-0.93, and the 48 accessions of germplasm were divided into 5 groups at 0.64 of genetic similarity coefficient. There was greater difference between morphological markers and SRAP molecular markers. It was concluded that, compared with morphological markers, SRAP markers could better analyze the genetic relationship among varieties, which had better guidance for studying genetic diversity of cucumber.
Keywords:cucumber   germplasm resources   morphological markers   SRAP markers   genetic diversity
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