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The effect of early weaning on feedlot performance and measures of stress in beef calves
Authors:Arthington J D  Spears J W  Miller D C
Affiliation:University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona 33865, USA. jdarthington@ifas.ufl.edu
Abstract:Forty crossbred steers (Brahman x English) were categorized into two groups: 1) early weaned (EW; n = 20); and 2) normal weaned (NW; n = 20). Calves were 89 and 300 d of age at the time of EW and NW, respectively; SEM = 4.4. Early-weaned calves were kept on-site (University of Florida, Ona), provided supplement (1% of BW), and grazed on annual and perennial pastures until NW. At the time of normal weaning, all calves were loaded on a commercial livestock trailer and transported to the North Carolina State University Research Feedlot in Butner (approximately 1,200 km). Upon arrival, calves were stratified by BW and randomly allotted to four pens per weaning age treatment. Individual calf BW and blood samples were collected at the time of normal weaning, on arrival at the feedlot (d 1; 24 h following weaning), and on d 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of the receiving period. Individual BW was collected at the start and end of the growing and finishing periods, and feed intake by pen was measured daily. As an estimate of stress during the receiving period, plasma was collected and analyzed for the acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin. Early-weaned calves were lighter (P = 0.03) at normal weaning than NW calves (221 vs. 269 kg; SEM = 10.6). By d 28, EW calves tended (P = 0.12) to be lighter than NW calves (242 vs. 282 kg, respectively). Gain:feed was improved for EW compared with NW calves during both the receiving (G:F = 0.157 vs. 0.081) and growing (0.159 vs. 0.136) periods. There tended (P < 0.10) to be weaning age x day interactions for each acute-phase protein. Ceruloplasmin concentrations increased in NW, but not EW calves, and peaked on d 7 (27.6 and 34.2 mg/100 mL for EW and NW calves, respectively; P < 0.05). Haptoglobin concentrations increased in both groups and were greatest (P < 0.05) in NW calves on d 3 (7.63 vs. 14.86 mg of haptoglobin/hemoglobin complexing/100 mL). No differences in ADG or G:F were detected during the finishing phase; however, overall G:F was improved (P = 0.03) for EW vs. NW calves (0.155 vs. 0.136). Carcass measures, including backfat thickness, USDA yield grade, marbling score, and LM area, did not differ between treatments. These data imply that EW calves, which are maintained onsite before shipping, may be more tolerant to the stressors associated with transportation and feed yard entry. Early weaned calves, managed within the system described in this study, may have improved G:F.
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