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引用本文:刘德稳,陈冰,傅彤,马桂变,宋凤香,高腾云. 鲁山牛腿山羊体尺性状与微卫星标记的相关分析[J]. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 33(12)
作者姓名:刘德稳  陈冰  傅彤  马桂变  宋凤香  高腾云
基金项目:河南省重大科技攻关资助项目(0422011200); 河南省地方畜禽遗传资源调查研究项目
摘    要:根据比较基因组学和相关文献资料,选择与山羊和牛生长性状相关的6个微卫星基因座(BM6444,MAF70,BM315,BMS1678,BM1818和BMC1206)作为分子标记,研究了牛腿山羊的群体遗传变异,并分析了体尺性状与6个微卫星标记之间的关系.结果表明:6个微卫星标记在牛腿山羊群体中的多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.887,0.863,0.773,0.840,0.888和0.791,遗传杂合度(He)分别为0.904,0.883,0.808,0.864,0.904和0.824,有效等位基因数(Ne)分别为9.62,8.05,5.02,6.96,9.68和5.46.6个微卫星标记与体尺性状的最小二乘分析结果表明:BM6444基因座165bp和145bp等位基因对体质量、体高、体长、胸围和胸深有正效应,而154bp和137bp等位基因对体高、胸围和胸深性状有负效应;MAF70基因座180bp和159bp等位基因对体质量性状有正效应,159bp和144bp等位基因对体高、胸围和胸深有负效应;BM315基因座140bp等位基因对体高有正效应,而136bp等位基因对胸深有负效应;BM1818基因座298bp和27...

关 键 词:牛腿山羊  体尺性状  微卫星标记  遗传多样性  

Correlation Analysis of Microsatellite Markers and Body Size Traits in Niu-tui Goat
LIU De-wen,,CHEN Bing,,FU Tong,MA Gui-bian,SONG Feng-xiang,GAO Teng-yun .College of Animal , Veterinary Science,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou ,China. Correlation Analysis of Microsatellite Markers and Body Size Traits in Niu-tui Goat[J]. Journal of southwest university (Natural science edition), 2011, 33(12)
Authors:LIU De-wen    CHEN Bing    FU Tong  MA Gui-bian  SONG Feng-xiang  GAO Teng-yun .College of Animal    Veterinary Science  Henan Agricultural University  Zhengzhou   China
Affiliation:LIU De-wen1,2,CHEN Bing1,5,FU Tong1,MA Gui-bian3,SONG Feng-xiang4,GAO Teng-yun1 1.College of Animal and Veterinary Science,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002,China,2.Department of Agriculture,Dezhou College,Dezhou Shandong 253023,3.Pingdingshan Bureau of Animal Husbandry,Pingdingshan Henan 467000,4.Dezhou Bureau of Animal Husbandry,Dezhou Shandong 253015,5.Dezhou Shenniu Medicine Co.Ltd.,Dezhou Shandong 253034
Abstract:According to comparative genomics and related reports,six microsatellite loci including BM6444,MAF70,BM315,BMS1678,BM1818 and BMC1206 that linked to the growth traits of goat and cattle were selected as DNA markers to study the population genetic variation of Niu-tui goat and the relationship between the gene loci and their body size traits.The polymorphism information content(PIC) for the six microsatellite loci in the Niu-tui goat population was 0.887,0.863,0.773,0.840,0.888 and 0.791,their heterozygosity...
Keywords:Niu-tui goat  body size trait  microsatellite marker  genetic polymorphism  
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