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引用本文:王秋兵,WANG Hui-qiang,韩春兰,LIU Su-hua. 辽宁地区古红土粘土矿物特征及其环境学意义[J]. 土壤通报, 2008, 39(4)
作者姓名:王秋兵  WANG Hui-qiang  韩春兰  LIU Su-hua
基金项目:教育部博士点基金 , 国家自然科学基金
摘    要:采用x射线衍射分析方法,对辽宁地区发育于不同母质上的古红土的粘土矿物特性进行了研究,结果表明:辽宁各种母质发育的古红土的粘土矿物中都含有伊利石、1.4nm过渡矿物和高岭石,片麻岩和千枚岩发育古红土中还含有较多量的蛭石,第四纪水成沉积物发育的古红土中含有少量的蒙脱石。辽宁古红土粘土矿物的组成反映了不同于现代成土环境的古环境特征,现代的环境条件对古红土的某些性质已经产生了影响。在辽宁各种母质发育的古红土的粘土矿物组成中,1.4nm过渡矿物的地位比较突出,片麻岩发育的古红土的蛭石含量也很突出,有着不同于南方和黄土高原的特点。从土壤发育程度上讲,相似母质发育的辽宁古红土低于南方红壤,同黄土高原古土壤的发育程度基本相当。

关 键 词:古红土  古环境  粘土矿物  辽宁地区

Clay Mineral Characteristics of Paleosol as well as Environmental Significance in Liaoning
WANG Qiu-bing,WANG Hui-qiang,HAN Chun-lan,LIU Su-hua. Clay Mineral Characteristics of Paleosol as well as Environmental Significance in Liaoning[J]. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2008, 39(4)
Authors:WANG Qiu-bing  WANG Hui-qiang  HAN Chun-lan  LIU Su-hua
Abstract:The clay mineral characteristics of Paleosol derived from Quaternary aqueoglacial deposition, Limestone, Gneiss and Phyllite were studied through the X-ray diffraction method. The results showed that clay mineral composition of Paleosol derived from different parent materials all contained llite, 1.4nm transitional minerals and Chlorite, but Paleosol derived from Gneiss and Phyllite also contained some Vermiculite. Paleosol derived from Quaternary aqueoglacial deposition also contained some Smectite. Clay mineral composition of Paleosol in Liaoning reflected the Paleoenvironmental characteristics differed with the modern time, but the modern environment has impacted some nature of Paleosol. There are more 1.4nm transitional minerals in Paleosol of Liaoning, and Paleosol derived from Gneiss also has more Vermiculite, which is different from South and Loess Plateau. As far as the soil development degree of the similar parent material, Paleosol in Liaoning was lower than that in the South, but is similar to Loess Plateau.
Keywords:Paleosol   Paleoenvironmental   Clay mineral   Liaoning
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