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Drainable surplus assessment in irrigated agriculture: field application of the groundwater approach
Authors:J. Boonstra  M.N. Bhutta  Sultan A. Rizvi
Affiliation:(1) International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement/ILRI, P.O. Box 45, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands;(2) International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute/IWASRI, 13 West Wood Colony, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore, Pakistan;(3) Netherlands Research Assistance Project/NRAP, 13 West Wood Colony, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract:To assess the drainable surplus of an irrigated area, a methodologybased on a groundwater-balance approach was developed and appliedin Schedule I-B of the Fourth Drainage Project near Faisalabad inPakistan. To determine the seasonal net recharge in this area, anumerical groundwater model was run in inverse mode. The data inputfor the model consisted of the geometry of the aquifer system, theaquifer parameters, and historical watertable elevations. The seasonalnet recharge values, calculated from the individual recharge anddischarge components, were ldquotunedrdquo with the results of the inversemodelling. The advantage of such an integrated approach is that allthese components are linked. The design net recharge was estimatedfrom the historical net recharge of the wettest monsoon in the studyperiod. Its rainfall recharge values were then substituted for those of adesign monsoon. In this substitution procedure, the rainfall rechargemethodology and parameters were adopted from the tuning procedure.From this design net recharge, estimates could be made of the requireddrainable surplus, with and without drainage simulation.
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