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引用本文:李伶俐,李文,朱伟,马宗斌,杨铁钢. 喷施高锰酸钾对棉花生理特性及产量、品质的影响[J]. 河南农业科学, 2017, 46(1). DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2017.01.009
作者姓名:李伶俐  李文  朱伟  马宗斌  杨铁钢
作者单位:1. 河南农业大学农学院,河南郑州,450002;2. 河南省农业科学院经济作物研究所,河南郑州,450002
摘    要:为了解决棉田中后期叶片感病过早枯衰导致的棉铃质量和纤维品质下降等问题,采用大田试验,以不喷施高锰酸钾为对照(CK),从7月1日开始在棉田喷施0.1%的高锰酸钾溶液,设A(每隔10 d喷1次,至9月20日共9次)、B(每隔15 d喷1次,至9月15日共6次)、C(每隔20 d喷1次,至9月20日共5次)3个处理,研究喷施高锰酸钾对棉花生理特性、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:喷施高锰酸钾溶液均显著提高棉叶叶绿素含量、转化酶活性、光合速率、超氧化物歧酶活性和过氧化物酶活性,明显降低叶片丙二醛含量,有效缓解后期叶片细胞膜脂过氧化,延缓叶片衰老,提高叶片生理功能,进而显著提高铃质量和子棉产量,改善纤维品质,并提高了衣分和子指。其中,处理A单铃质量提高幅度最大,较对照显著提高28.9%,比处理B、C分别显著提高8.2%、19.7%;子棉产量增幅最高,比对照显著增产28.6%,比处理B、C分别显著增产9.3%、19.1%;纤维比强度显著高于对照,纤维综合品质表现最好。喷施高锰酸钾溶液各处理棉田后期生长表现棉枝紫红、叶色浓绿无病斑、桃大吐絮畅,实现了枝红叶绿吐白絮的高产优质棉田长相,且处理A增产促优效果最好。

关 键 词:棉花  高锰酸钾  生理特性  子棉产量  纤维品质

Effects of Spraying Potassium Permanganate on Physiological Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Cotton
LI Lingli,LI Wen,ZHU Wei,MA Zongbin,YANG Tiegang. Effects of Spraying Potassium Permanganate on Physiological Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Cotton[J]. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 46(1). DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2017.01.009
Authors:LI Lingli  LI Wen  ZHU Wei  MA Zongbin  YANG Tiegang
Abstract:In order to solve the decrease of boll weight and fiber quality led by the leaf disease that is caused by the leaf premature withering in the middle and late stage of cotton field,the effects of spraying potassium permanganate on physiological characteristics and yield and quality of cotton were studied.The field experiment was executed with cotton cultivar Zhongmian 50 in 2015 with four spraying potassium permanganate treatments,including 0.1% potassium permanganate sprayed one time every ten days from July 1 st to Sept.20th,amount to nine times (A),0.1% potassium permanganate sprayed one time every fifteen days from July 1 st to Sept.15th,amount to six times(B),0.1% potassium permanganate sprayed one time every twenty days from July 1 st to Sept.20th,amount to five times (C),and no potassium permanganate applied(CK).The results showed that,compared with CK,application of potassium permanganate significantly increased the content of chlorophyll of cotton leaves,the activity of sucrose invertase (INV),photosynthetic rate,the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD),significantly reduced malondialdeyde (MDA) accumulation amount in cotton leaves,effectively alleviated the lipid peroxidation of membrane of leaves cells in late stage,delayed leaf senescence,improved physiological functions of leaves,thus significantly increased the boll weight,seed cotton yield,lint percent and seed index,improved the fiber quality.The boll weight of treatment A was the highest,which significantly increased by 28.9%,8.2% and 19.7% compared with CK,treatments B and C,respectively.The seed cotton yield of spraying potassium permanganate treatments significantly higher than CK.The seed cotton yield of treatment A was the highest,which significantly increased by 28.6%,9.3%,19.1% compared with CK,treatment B and treatment C.The fiber strength of treatment A was significantly higher than CK,and comprehensive quality of fiber was the best.Moreover,the plants of cotton spraying potassium permanganate were purplish red stem branches,deep green leaves without disease,big bolls and good boll opening at the late growth stage,which indicated an appearance of better yield and that quality of cotton was red branches,green leaves and open-bolling white fiber.Treatment A was the best that increased production and improved the quality of cotton.
Keywords:cotton  potassium permanganate  physiological characteristics  seed cotton yield  fiber quality
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