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引用本文:韩志校,张军,左力辉,任亚超. 3个不同派别杨树资源遗传多样性的SSR分析[J]. 河南农业科学, 2017, 46(4). DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2017.04.019
作者姓名:韩志校  张军  左力辉  任亚超
作者单位:1. 河北农业大学国有资产管理处,河北保定,071000;2. 河北农业大学林学院,河北保定,071001
摘    要:利用杨树28对SSR基本核心引物筛选出符合要求的13对引物,并采用这些引物对来自白杨派、黑杨派和青杨派的32个杨树无性系进行PCR扩增,同时对这些样品进行亲缘关系和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,13对引物共扩增条带58条,其中多态性条带58条,占扩增总带数的100.00%。对32个杨树样品的遗传距离进行分析,得到其遗传距离为0.056~0.741,表明各样品之间具有较丰富的遗传多样性。通过聚类分析可将供试样品分为三大类,即白杨派、黑杨派和青杨派,其聚类结果与传统分类学上的结果一致,说明SSR分子标记技术在杨树品种鉴定中具有一定的可靠性。

关 键 词:杨树  SSR  遗传多样性

Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Populus from Three Different Factions by SSR Markers
HAN Zhixiao,ZHANG Jun,ZUO Lihui,REN Yachao. Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Populus from Three Different Factions by SSR Markers[J]. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2017, 46(4). DOI: 10.15933/j.cnki.1004-3268.2017.04.019
Authors:HAN Zhixiao  ZHANG Jun  ZUO Lihui  REN Yachao
Abstract:Thirteen pairs of SSR primers which met the requirements were screened from 28 pairs of poplar basic core primers.The PCR amplification of 32 poplar fines from Sect.Leuce Duby,Sect.Aigeiros Duby and Sect.Tacamahaca Spach was done by use of these primers,and the genetic diversity and genetic relationship of these samples were analyzed at the same time.The results showed that 58 DNA bands were obtained,and polymorphic bands accounted for 100.00% of amplification bands.The calculating results showed that the genetic distance of 32 poplar lines ranged between 0.056 and 0.741,which indicated that high genetic diversity existed among the samples.The result of cluster analysis showed that the samples could be divided into three clusters,namely Sect.Leuce Duby,Sect.Aigeiros Duby and Sect.Tacamahaca Spach.And the clustering results were consistent with the results of traditional taxonomy,which showed the reliability of SSR molecular marker technology in identification of different species of Populus.
Keywords:Populus  SSR  genetic diversity
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