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Comparison of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers for the Pond Production of Walleye,Stizostedion vitreum

Walleye were stocked at 20 fry/m3 and raised for 45-47 days in earthen ponds that were fertilized with organic or inorganic fertilizers. Organically fertilized ponds received periodic doses of alfalfa meal and torrula yeast. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels of 600 ug/L and 30 ug/L, respectively, were maintained by twice-weekly additions of liquid fertilizers in ponds of the inorganic treatment. Growth, survival, and production offish were not affected by the fertilizer treatment. The use of inorganic fertilizers is recommended for the pond production of walleye because it is easier and less costly than traditional methods involving the use of organic fertilizers.
Keywords:Probiotics  tilapia  Oreochromis niloticus  Streptococcus iniae  Bacillus  Pediococcus  Enterococcus  Saccharomyces
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