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Pancreatic Polypeptide and Insulin-Secreting Tumor in a Dog With Duodenal Ulcers and Hypertrophic Gastritis
Authors:Carole A. Zerbe DVM  MS    Timothy R. Boosinger DVM  PhD    J. H. Grabau DVM    J. M. Pletcher DVM   Thomas M. O''Dorisio MD
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, Auburn University, Alabama 36849.
Abstract:A 7-year-old spayed female Cocker Spaniel was hospitalized with a history of chronic vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. Laboratory abnormalities included leukocytosis, metabolic alkalosis, hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia, and hyperinsulinemia. Gastroscopy and ultrasonography revealed multiple gastric masses and a possible pancreatic mass, respectively. Examination of tissues obtained at necropsy showed a pancreatic adenocarcinoma with hepatic metastasis, gastric hypertrophy, and multiple duodenal ulcers. Immunocytochemical staining of the neoplasia was positive for pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and insulin and negative for gastrin, calcitonin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), serotonin, L-enkephalin, chromagranin, glucagon, and somatostatin. Subsequent serum gastrin and PP assays showed a fasting hypergastrinemia with a normal response of gastrin to provocative testing and extremely increased PP values. The high PP values may have resulted in the vomiting and gastrointestinal ulceration. A PP-secreting tumor has not previously been reported in the dog.
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