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引用本文:陈晓东,赵 斌,季昌好,朱 斌,王 瑞. 刈割期对多棱饲料大麦饲草及籽粒产量与品质的影响[J]. 麦类作物学报, 2017, 0(3): 409-413. DOI: 10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2017.03.19
作者姓名:陈晓东  赵 斌  季昌好  朱 斌  王 瑞
摘    要:为探明大麦饲草与籽粒双收的适宜刈割期,以六棱皮大麦皖饲麦2号为材料,设不刈割(T0)及分蘖期(T1)、拔节期(T2)、孕穗期(T3)分别进行一次刈割4个处理,比较了两年度不同刈割期大麦饲草、籽粒产量及品质的差异。结果表明,随刈割期后移,皖饲麦2号饲草产量显著增加;饲草粗蛋白、粗灰分、钙、磷含量显著下降,粗纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、中性洗涤纤维含量显著增加,即饲草品质显著下降。籽粒产量受刈割期影响大,与T0相比,两年度T1期刈割籽粒产量无显著变化,T2、T3期刈割则籽粒产量显著下降;而品质受影响小。说明T1期刈割,可达到饲草与籽粒双收目标,且饲草品质好;在生产中要保障一定的籽粒产量,T2期后应停止刈割。

关 键 词:大麦  刈割期  饲草  籽粒  产量  品质

Effect of Defoliation Timing on the Yield and Quality of Six-Row Barley Forage and Grain
CHEN Xiaodong,ZHAO Bin,JI Changhao,ZHU Bin,WANG Rui. Effect of Defoliation Timing on the Yield and Quality of Six-Row Barley Forage and Grain[J]. Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2017, 0(3): 409-413. DOI: 10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2017.03.19
Authors:CHEN Xiaodong  ZHAO Bin  JI Changhao  ZHU Bin  WANG Rui
Abstract:To achieve both barley forage and grain harvest with optimal defoliation timing,the barley variety Wansimai 2 was cut through two growing seasons to compare differences of yield and quality of forage and grain among four defoliation timing treatments,including no defoliation(T0) and once defoliation at respective stage of tillering(T1),jointing(T2) and booting(T3).The results showed forage yield of Wansimai 2 was dramatically increased but the quality declined with the delay of defoliation timing.The content of crude protein,crude ash,calcium and phosphorus descended with the delay of defoliation timing,while crude fiber,acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber were dramatically increased.Grain yield of Wansimai 2 was greatly affected by defoliation timing while grain quality was little affected.Compared with T0,significant changes of grain yield were identified at T2 and T3 stages but not at T1 stage.As a result,defoliation of barley plant can be done at tillering stage for the improvement of green forage quality,and ended before jointing stage for the regenerated grain yield to achieve both forage and grain harvest.
Keywords:Barley   Defoliation timing   Forage   Grain   Yield   Quality
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