不同水肥措施下的冬小麦水氮利用和生物效应研究 |
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作者单位: | ;1.河北农业大学;2.宁晋县农业局 |
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摘 要: | 【目的】寻找合适的冬小麦水肥方案。【方法】采用田间试验方法,在传统畦灌和水肥一体化微喷灌下分别设置不同施氮肥处理,研究了小麦干物质积累、产量、水氮利用和土壤贮水量。【结果】与传统畦灌比,微喷灌各处理灌水量减少50%,干物质积累量、产量、氮肥生产效率、水分利用效率分别增加28.2%~41.1%、0.2%~27.3%、0.8%~76.6%和23.3%~61.7%。其中传统畦灌下,推荐施氮肥与不施氮肥、农民习惯施氮肥和推荐施氮肥减氮20%处理比较,小麦干物质积累量、产量、氮肥生产效率、水分利用效率分别增加4.0%~11.4%、1.8%~26.9%、32.1%~75.3%、0.8%~28.2%。微喷灌下,与推荐施氮肥比,推荐施氮肥减氮20%的小麦干物质积累量、产量、氮肥生产效率、水分利用效率分别提高6.4%、4.5%、0.8%、2.3%。【结论】综合比较,水肥一体化微喷灌下推荐施氮肥减氮20%表现最优,提高冬小麦水氮利用效率,稳定产量,是节水减肥可推荐的有效途径。
关 键 词: | 冬小麦 水肥措施 土壤贮水量 水分效率 氮肥效率 |
Water and Nitrogen Utilization and Biological Effects of Winter Wheat under Different Water and Fertilizer Measures |
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Affiliation: | ,Hebei Agricultural University,Ningjin County Agricultural Bureau |
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Abstract: | 【Objective】The purpose of this paper is to search for an appropriate water and fertilizer scheme for winter wheat.【Method】Field experiments were conducted to study the dry matter accumulation, yield, water and nitrogen utilization of wheat and soil water storage under different nitrogen treatments with conventional furrow irrigation and integrated micro-sprinkler irrigation.【Result】Compared with traditional furrow irrigation, the irrigation amount of each treatment of micro-sprinkler irrigation was reduced by 50%. The dry matter accumulation,yield, nitrogen fertilizer production efficiency and water use efficiency were increased by 28.2%~41.1%, 0.2%~27.3%, 0.8%~76.6% and 23.3%~61.7%, respectively. For traditional irrigation, compared with no nitrogen fertilization, conventional nitrogen fertilization and recommended nitrogen fertilization with 20% nitrogen reduction,dry matter accumulation, yield, nitrogen fertilizer production efficiency and water use efficiency in the recommended nitrogen fertilization treatment were increased by 4.0%~11.4%, 1.8%~26.9%, 32.1%~75.3%, 0.8%~28.2%, respectively. Compared with the recommended nitrogen fertilizer, dry matter accumulation, yield, nitrogen fertilizer production efficiency and water use efficiency in the recommended nitrogen fertilizer reducing nitrogen by 20% were improved by 6.4%, 4.5%, 0.8% and 2.3%, respectively.【Conclusion】Based on the comprehensive comparison, the optimal treatment was suggested to reduce nitrogen by 20% under the micro-sprinkler irrigation with integrated water and fertilizer. It is suggested that micro-sprinkling irrigation combined with rational nitrogen fertilizer use can improve the water and nitrogen utilization efficiency of winter wheat and stabilize its yield. |
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Keywords: | winter wheat water and fertilizer measures soil water storage water efficiency nitrogen fertilizer efficiency |