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摘    要:彬县地处陕西咸阳彬长煤田腹地,其储量大、煤质优、储存条件好的特点给彬县带来巨大经济效益,同时,粗放的开采模式和落后的技术设备也给当地带来了耕地损毁减少、大量煤矸石的外排堆放、生态环境造成严重破坏及矿区塌陷等众多不可估量的生态灾害。结合《关于推进山水林田湖生态保护修复工作的通知》、《关于划定并严守生态保护红线的若干意见》规定要求以及彬县县域内地形条件,在分析彬县煤矸造成的生态环境问题基础上,提出彬县煤矸石环境治理对策。

关 键 词:生态保护红线  煤矸石  土地复垦  彬县

Ecological Protection Redline Area Coal Gangue Land Reclamation Management Countermeasures:A Case Study of Binxian County in Xianyang City
Affiliation:,Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group Co.Ltd.
Abstract:Binxian County is located in the hinterland of Binchang coalfield in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province. Its large reserves, excellent coal quality and good storage conditions have brought huge economic benefits to Binxian County. At the same time, extensive mining mode and backward technical equipment have also brought local conditions. There are many incalculable ecological disasters such as the reduction of cultivated land damage, the arranging of large quantities of coal gangue, the serious damage caused by the ecological environment and the collapse of mining areas. In combination with the requirements of the "Notice on Advancing the Ecological Protection of Landscape Forest Lakes" and the "Suggestions on Delineating and Strictly Protecting the Red Line of Ecological Protection" and the topographical conditions in Binxian County, the basis of the ecological environment caused by coal gangs in Binxian County is analyzed. On the basis, the environmental management measures for coal gangue in Binxian County were proposed.
Keywords:ecological protection red line  coal gangue  land reclamation  Binxian
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