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引用本文:扈凯,张文毅,李坤,刘宏俊,祁兵,纪要. 基于模态规划法的履带拖拉机车架振动分析与优化[J]. 中国农机化学报, 2021, 42(8): 121-126. DOI: 10.13733/j.jcam.issn.2095-5553.2021.08.17
作者姓名:扈凯  张文毅  李坤  刘宏俊  祁兵  纪要
基金项目:农业农村部南京农业机械化研究所所级重点任务(CAAS—NRAM—SJ—201903) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0700704)
摘    要:为优化拖拉机车架振动参数,改善驾驶舒适性,本文基于模态规划法对履带拖拉机车架进行振动分析与优化.现场测试了履带拖拉机田间行驶工况下车架X、Y、Z方向的时域振动参数,采用傅里叶分析法获取振动的线性自功率谱参数,数据表明加速度峰值对应频率为8.125 Hz、21.25 Hz、42.5 Hz和85.625 Hz.建立车架有限...

关 键 词:履带拖拉机  模态规划法  振动  响应面分析  模态参数

Vibration analysis and optimization of tracked tractor frame based on modal programming method
Abstract:Aiming at optimizing the vibration characteristics of the tractor frame and improve driving comfort, vibration of the tractor frame based on the modal programming method was analyzed and optimized in this paper. The time domain vibration parameters in the X, Y, and Z directions of the tractor frame were tested, and the linear self power spectrum parameters were calculated by using the Fourier analysis method. Acceleration peak values occurred at 8.125 Hz, 21.25 Hz, 42.5 Hz, and 85.625 Hz. The finite element model was established and modal parameters were solved. The results show that the difference between the second order natural frequency, the fourth order natural frequency, and the vibration excitation peak frequency was less than 3 Hz. The frame modal parameters were optimized based on modal programming method and response surface method. The influence law of each factor on the target parameters was determined. The second and fourth order modal frequencies were optimal when factors A, B, and C were 14990 mm, 5.01 mm, and 65.00 mm, respectively. The simulation results showed that the optimizing natural frequencies of second and fourth order were 48.53 Hz and 89.97 Hz and the corresponding error rates were 1.99% and 1.03%. The analysis methods and conclusions in this paper may be extended to the vibration optimization of other agricultural machinery.
Keywords:tracked tractor  modal programming method  vibration  response surface analysis  modal parameters

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