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引用本文:邵魁双 李熙宜. 大连海区潮间带底栖海藻生物群落[J]. 大连水产学院学报, 2000, 15(1): 29-34
作者姓名:邵魁双 李熙宜
摘    要:
于1997年5月至1998年4月对大连底栖海灌资源的分布情况做了较系统的调查研究,并对底栖海藻生物落的季节变化,从形态、结构到系列器官和生活史等方面进行了初步观察及探讨。共采集到海藻94种,其中舌状酸藻(Desmaristi lingulata)和胶毛灌(Trichoglaea lubricum)在中国未见报道。

关 键 词:底栖海藻 生物群落 季节变化 大连海区 温带区系

Seasonal variation of benthic seaweed community in the intertide in Dalian
SHAO Kui shuang, LI Xi yi. Seasonal variation of benthic seaweed community in the intertide in Dalian[J]. Journal of Dalian Fisheries University, 2000, 15(1): 29-34
Authors:SHAO Kui shuang   LI Xi yi
Distribution of benthic seaweed was studied in Dalian from May 1997 to April 1998. The morphology, structure, reproduction and life history of every genus were observed to elucidate the seasonal variation of seaweed community. Ninety three species of benthic seaweed were collected, two of which, %Desmaresti lingulata% and %Trichogla lubricam%, were first reported in China
Keywords:Dalian  benthic seaweed community  seasonal variation
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