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引用本文:李友军 郭秀璞 等. 小麦抗旱鉴定指标的筛选研究[J]. 沈阳农业大学学报, 1999, 30(6): 586-590
作者姓名:李友军 郭秀璞 等
摘    要:1996~1997年采取田间小区试验和室内模拟试验相结合的方法,对3个小麦品种的抗旱形态生理特性进行了研究。结果表明:在水分胁迫条件下,郑旱1号胚芽鞘长、主胚根长、根系活力、叶片脯氨酸含量、细胞膜透性、旗叶SOD活性、Q_2~- 产生速率、MDA含量、成穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量的增减幅度最小,抗旱性最好;豫麦2号次之,豫麦41号的增减幅度最大,抗旱性最差。在众多抗旱形态生理指标中,用胚芽鞘长和主胚根长进行品种抗旱性鉴定和筛选具有较高的应用价值。

关 键 词:抗旱指标  筛选  小麦

A Study on the Screening of Drought Resistance Appraisal Standards on Wheat
LI You-jun, GUO Xiu-pu, SHI Guo-an,et al.. A Study on the Screening of Drought Resistance Appraisal Standards on Wheat[J]. Journal of Shenyang Aricultural University, 1999, 30(6): 586-590
Authors:LI You-jun   GUO Xiu-pu   SHI Guo-an  et al.
Affiliation:Luoyang Agricultural College. Luoyang 471003
Abstract:The drought-resistant form and physiological characteristics for three wheat cultivars were studied with the methods of field test and indoor simulated test from 1996 to 1997. The result showed that the change of the coleoptile length, main radicle length, roots activity, leaf proline content, permeability of Cell membrane, SOD activities in nag leaf, O_2~- producing rate, MDA content, ear number, grain number per spike, l000-kernel weight and grain yield of Zhenghan No. 1 is the smallest and the drought resistance is the best among the three wheat cultivars under the drought sires conditions. The drought resistance of Yumai No.2 is in the middle. The change of above standards of Yumai No. 41 is the largest and the drought resistance is the worst. The coleoptile sheath length and the main radicle length in many drought resistance forms and physiological standards are the the drought resistance appraisal standards for drought-resistant wheat cultivars screening.
Keywords:drought resistance standard  screening  wheat
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