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引用本文:张景景,刘立峰,穆国俊,侯名语,陈焕英,崔顺立. 花生花药愈伤组织的诱导和分化研究[J]. 河北农业大学学报, 2011, 34(6): 16-21
作者姓名:张景景  刘立峰  穆国俊  侯名语  陈焕英  崔顺立
摘    要:
利用花生栽培品种‘邢花4号’对不同发育时期的花药进行固体培养,对诱导愈伤和愈伤分化的培养基进行了筛选.结果表明:在小孢子单核靠边期,或花蕾长3~4mm,呈绿色时,花药的诱导率最高(30.42%);以附加6-BA 8.0 mg/L、NAA0.8 mg/L、KT 0.02 mg/L的MS培养基上愈伤组织诱导效果较好;在添加...

关 键 词:花生  花药  愈伤组织  诱导  分化

Study on antheral callus induction and differentiation in Arachis hypogaea L.
ZHANG Jing-jing , LIU Li-feng , MU Guo-jun , HOU Ming-yu , CHEN Huan-ying , CUI Shun-li. Study on antheral callus induction and differentiation in Arachis hypogaea L.[J]. Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 2011, 34(6): 16-21
Authors:ZHANG Jing-jing    LIU Li-feng    MU Guo-jun    HOU Ming-yu    CHEN Huan-ying    CUI Shun-li
Solid culture supplied with different plant auxins and cytokinins was used to screen suitable media for anther culture of peanut(Arachis hypogaea) variety 'Xinghua 4' at different developmental stages.The results showed that hightest induction rate(30.42%) for antheral callus arised at late-uninucleate,or the length of bud was 3-4 mm and green.In MS culture medium added with 6-BA 2.0 mg/L,NAA 0.1 mg/L and KT 2.0 mg/L,the callus induced was better than other plant hormoes combination.Buds and roots were even differentiated with 3% of embryo inductivity in MSB5 combination,i.e.supplied with 6-BA 1.0 mg/L and NAA 0.5 mg/L.Development stages of anther,culture medium components as well as hormonal types and concentrations were the key points for antheral callus induction and culture.
Keywords:Arachis hypogaea L.  anther  callus  induce  differentiation
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