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引用本文:梁丽妮,郭晓光,秦璐,廖红. 适宜茶园套种的绿肥型油菜资源筛选及初步应用[J]. 中国油料作物学报, 2019, 41(6): 825. DOI: 10.19802/j.issn.1007-9084.2019229
作者姓名:梁丽妮  郭晓光  秦璐  廖红
作者单位:1. 福建农林大学资源与环境学院/根系生物学研究中心,福建福州,350000; 2. 中国农业科学院油料作物研究所/农业农村部油料作物生物学与遗传育种重点开放实验室,湖北武汉,430062
摘    要:为推广生态茶园的油菜绿肥套种模式,于2017-2018年在茶园系统筛选和评价适宜套种的油菜资源。比较23个不同油菜品种(品系)的盛花期鲜草的生长与养分还田量,结果发现:茶园套种油菜的生物量、株高、养分还田量等指标表现存在差异;种植后根际土pH、有机质、碱解氮含量发生改变或提升。综合比较分现,品种阳光131、 圣光86和中双11表现相对较好:单株生物量达0.81~1.00 kg;植株养分还田量高,三者的氮磷钾养分还田量分别为 49.21~72.48 kg/hm2、12.64~17.40 kg/hm2和33.64~56.29 kg/hm2,可基本满足茶青的生长需求,且三个品种种植后土壤有效养分和有机质的改善较为明显。大地69和油肥1号株高相对较矮,适宜在低龄或矮枞茶园中套种。于2018-2019年探索油菜品种阳光131作为绿肥在不同树龄的茶园套种的应用,发现土壤的有机质含量显著改善,pH 值显著提升。综上,认为优选油菜品种应用于冬季茶/油菜(绿肥)套种模式

关 键 词:甘蓝型油菜  茶园  套种  绿肥  土壤肥力  

Screening and preliminary application of rapeseed materials as green manure intercropped in tea plantations
LIANG Li-ni,GUO Xiao-guang,LIAO Xing,QIN Lu,LIAO Hong. Screening and preliminary application of rapeseed materials as green manure intercropped in tea plantations[J]. Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences, 2019, 41(6): 825. DOI: 10.19802/j.issn.1007-9084.2019229
Authors:LIANG Li-ni  GUO Xiao-guang  LIAO Xing  QIN Lu  LIAO Hong
Affiliation:1. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University/ Root Biology Center, Fuzhou 350002, China; 2. Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences /Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062, China
Abstract:For better construction and promotion of tea-rapeseed intercropping mode in China, 23 rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars and lines were evaluated and screened for their adaptation to tea plantations as green manure in 2017-2018. Results showed differences among the blooming rapeseeds in plant biomass, plant height and nutrients return to field. After returning, soil pH, organic matter and alkaline N content were improved by most of the rapeseed as greenmanures. Among the 23 rapeseed materials, cultivar Yangguang 131, Shengguang 86 and Zhongshuang 11 had optimal value. They had the highest plant biomass (0.81-1.00 kg), returned the highest N (49.21~72.48 kg/hm2), P (12.64-17.40 kg/hm2) and K (33.64-56.29 kg/hm2), which could meet the demand for tea leaves. Furthermore, soil organics were improved obviously. Two other cultivars Dadi 69 and Youfei 1 had the poten? tial to intercrop with young or dwarf tea because of their short plant heights. By application of Yangguang 131 in 2 tea plantations with different ages of tea plants during 2018-2019, soil organic and pH were obviously improved af? ter green manure application. In summary, rapeseed cultivars were optimal as green manure in tea plantation. It could be expected for continual winter tea/rapeseed plantation and tea production in China.
Keywords:Brassica napus L.  tea plantation  intercropping  green manure  soil fertility   
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