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引用本文:张觉晚,王沅江,任菊仕. 假眼小绿叶蝉的生态控制与合理用药[J]. 茶叶科学, 1992, 12(2): 139-144. DOI: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.1992.02.007
作者姓名:张觉晚  王沅江  任菊仕
作者单位:湖南省茶叶研究所,湖南省茶叶研究所,湖南省茶叶研究所 长沙410145 ,长沙410145 ,长沙410145
摘    要:采用室内观察和田间系统调查相结合的方法,探明了茶园蜘蛛中的跳蛛和管巢蛛是捕食叶蝉的优势类群,其优势种主要为白斑猎蛛、花腹纽蛛、警戒蝇豹、棕管巢蛛、褶管巢蛛,它们的日捕食量在蛛蝉比1∶40的范围内,随猎物密度的增加而增加,其中以蛛蝉比为1∶10—1∶20时,捕食量的增长率最高。茶园蜘蛛的年发生数量消长呈马鞍型,即;春、秋多,夏季少。优乐得是一种治蝉效果好、且能保护天敌的理想农药。田间小区试验和大田对比试验结果表明,合理使用这种农药、并辅之以及时采摘、冬前行间覆盖稻草等农艺措施,能够获得较好的生态控制效果和经

关 键 词:假眼小绿叶蝉  天敌  茶园蜘蛛  优乐得  保护天敌  生态控制  

Eco-control of Tea Green Leaf Hopper(Homoptera:Empoasca vills)and Rational Use of Pesticides
Zhang Juewan,Wang Yuanjiang,Ren Jushi. Eco-control of Tea Green Leaf Hopper(Homoptera:Empoasca vills)and Rational Use of Pesticides[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 1992, 12(2): 139-144. DOI: 10.13305/j.cnki.jts.1992.02.007
Authors:Zhang Juewan  Wang Yuanjiang  Ren Jushi
Abstract:Population dynamics and efficacy of the natural enemies to tea greenleaf hopper were studied under laboratory and field conditions.Spiders werefound to be the most effective predators of the pest in which Erarcha albaria,Jotou munitus,CIubiona corrugata,C.japonicola were the dominant species.Daily predatory population of the pest by the dominantors increased withprey density within the predatorprey ratio of 1 to 40,especially from theratios of 1:10 to 1:20.Buprofezin is an optimum pesticide which could controleffectively tea leaf hopper but prevent tea spider.Studies,carried out infield from trial plot to large scale,showed that rational use of Applaud incombination with the agro-techniques including timely plucking and mulchingbefore winter coming and so on could achieve good eco-control effect andeconomical benefit.
Keywords:Empoasca vitis  Natural enemies  Tea spiders  Buprofezin  Protect natural enemies  Eco-control
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