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Picosecond coherent optical manipulation of a single electron spin in a quantum dot
Authors:Berezovsky J  Mikkelsen M H  Stoltz N G  Coldren L A  Awschalom D D
Affiliation:Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA.
Abstract:Most schemes for quantum information processing require fast single-qubit operations. For spin-based qubits, this involves performing arbitrary coherent rotations of the spin state on time scales much faster than the spin coherence time. By applying off-resonant, picosecond-scale optical pulses, we demonstrated the coherent rotation of a single electron spin through arbitrary angles up to pi radians. We directly observed this spin manipulation using time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy and found that the results are well described by a model that includes the electronnuclear spin interaction. Measurements of the spin rotation as a function of laser detuning and intensity confirmed that the optical Stark effect is the operative mechanism.
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