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Long-term effects of managing for an endangered songbird on the heterogeneity of a fire-prone landscape
Authors:Madelyn M. Tucker,R. Gregory Corace  Suffix"  >III,David T. Cleland,Daniel M. Kashian
Affiliation:1.Department of Biological Sciences,Wayne State University,Detroit,USA;2.USDI Fish and Wildlife Service,Seney National Wildlife Refuge,Seney,USA;3.Vegetation Ecology (detached),USDA Forest Service,Washington, DC,USA


Jack pine (Pinus banksiana)-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan are the primary breeding habitat for the federally endangered Kirtland’s warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii, KW). Historically, young stands used by KW were produced by stand-replacing wildfires, but fire suppression has necessitated the management of jack pine plantations for KW habitat since the 1970s. Effects of this long-term management on landscape age heterogeneity have previously not been quantified.


We hypothesized that forest management has altered the spatial and temporal distribution of jack pine-dominated ecosystems beyond their historic range of variability.


By developing a diameter-age relationship for jack pine, we estimated ages of pre-European settlement trees found in General Land Office survey notes. We compared pre-European and current landscapes using geostatistical modeling of survey notes, and landscape metrics to quantify changes in pattern.


Three KW management-based age classes (<20, 21–50, >50 years) are now more evenly distributed (31, 39, and 30 %, respectively) compared to the pre-European distribution (5, 19, 76 %) with little variability over time. Landscape metrics suggest the current landscape is younger and more fragmented than the pre-European landscape. These changes indicate restriction of the historic range of age variability, largely due to conversion of older jack pine stands to young KW habitat plantations.


Management has met KW population objectives, but has altered the temporal variability of the landscape’s age structure. Pre-European settlement patterns of stand-ages may provide a foundation for an ecosystem-based management plan for the region that supports both KW and the ecosystems upon which they depend.
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