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引用本文:张应中,赵奋成,林军,赖旭恩,黄永权,蔡坚. 湿加松在粤北山区早期生长表现初报[J]. 林业科学研究, 2007, 20(4): 556-562
作者姓名:张应中  赵奋成  林军  赖旭恩  黄永权  蔡坚
作者单位:1. 广东省林业科学研究院,广东,广州,510520
2. 广东省乐昌市龙山林场,广东,乐昌,512200
3. 广东省林业局,广东,广州,510173
摘    要:利用种植于粤北乐昌龙山林场的6年生湿加松测定林数据,分析了湿地松与洪都拉斯加勒比松杂种家系(PEE×PCH)、湿地松与巴哈马加勒比松杂种家系(PEE×PCB)、湿地松改良代种子园自由授粉家系(PEE(op))、洪都拉斯加勒比松1代种子园自由授粉家系(PCH(op))、马尾松初级种子园混合子代(PMA(p))、洪都拉斯加勒比松初级种子园混合子代(PCH(p))、古巴加勒比松初级种子园混合子代(PCC(p))、巴哈马加勒比松初级种子园混合子代(PCB(p))、湿地松改良代种子园混合子代(PEE(i))、湿地松1代种子园混合子代(PEE(o))、湿地松初级种子园混合子代(PEE(p))、火炬松初级种子园混合子代(PTA(p))间的造林成活率、保存率及生长量差异.结果表明:树种间及树种内类型间造林成活率、保存率存在差异,生长量间存在极显著差异,材积生长从大到小的顺序为:PEE×PCH>PEE×PCB>PCH(p)>PMA(p)>PCH(op)>PEE(op)》PEE(i)>PEE(p)>PCB(p)>PCC(P)>PEE(o)>PTA(p);湿加松当年造林成活率平均达96.2%,6年生时保存率平均达87.2%;21个家系间生长量存在极显著差异,从中初选出10个最优家系,其平均树高、胸径、材积分别为6.35 m、10.85 cm、0.035 48 m3,与PMA(p)、PCH(p)、PCB(p)、PEE(o)、PTA(p)比较,材积现实增益分别为59.39%、48.76%、134.97%、162.23%、172.29%.

关 键 词:湿加松  湿地松  加勒比松  马尾松  火炬松  家系选择  生长量  成活率  保存率

The Early Growth Performance of Slash Pine×Caribbean Pine F. Hybrids in Mountain Area of North Guangdong
ZHANG Ying-zhong,ZHAO Fen-cheng,LIN Jun,LAI Xu-en,HUANG Yong-quan and CAI Jian. The Early Growth Performance of Slash Pine×Caribbean Pine F. Hybrids in Mountain Area of North Guangdong[J]. Forest Research, 2007, 20(4): 556-562
Authors:ZHANG Ying-zhong  ZHAO Fen-cheng  LIN Jun  LAI Xu-en  HUANG Yong-quan  CAI Jian
Affiliation:Guangdong Forestry Research In stitute, Guangzhou?? 510520, Gu angdong, China;Guangdong Forestry R esearch In stitute, Guangzhou?? 510520, Gu angdong, china;Lech ang Longshan Forestry Cen tre of Gu angdongProvince, Lechang?? 512200, Guangdong, china;Lech ang Longshan Forestry Cen tre of Gu angdongProvince, Lechang?? 512200, Guangdong, china;Forestry D epartmen t of Guangdong Provin ce, Gu angzhou?? 510173, Guangdong, china;Guangdong Forestry R esearch In stitute, Guangzhou?? 510520, Gu angdong, china
Abstract:A tria lw as estab lished in 1999 in Lechang, Guangdong, wh ich inc luded 17 hybrid fam ilies o fP inus elliottii var. elliottii( PEE ) by P. caribaea var. hondurensis ( PCH ), 4 hybrid fam ilies o f PEE by P. caribaea var.bahm ensis( PCB ), 9 PEE open-po llina ted fam ilies( PEE ( op) ) and 1 PCH open-po llinated fam ily ( PCH ( op) ), aswell as 8 seedlots from pine seed orchards in Guangdong prov ince. These seed o rchardsw ere primary PEE seed o rchard( PEE ( p) ) in T aishan, first-generat ion PEE orchard ( PEE ( o) ) in Ta ishan, improved PEE seed o rchards( PEE ( i) ) in Ta ishan, pr imary P. caribaea var. caribaea seed orchard( PCC ( p) ) in Zhanjiang, primary PCB seedorchard( PCB ( p) ) in Zhan jiang, prim ary PCH seed orchard( PCH ( p) ) in Zhanjiang, primary P. taeda seed o rchard( PTA( p) ) in Y ingde, primary P. massoniana seed orchard( PMA ( p) ) in Ruyuan, respectively. The trialw as investigated for surv iva l rate, at the end of the plan ting year. And the he ight and diameter at breast height ( dbh) of indiv idual trees w ere measured at age 6. Then, preserv ing rate and ind iv idua l volumew ere ca lculated respective ly. The average surv ival rate o f 21 hybrid fam iliesw as 96. 2%, and preserv ing ratew as 87. 2%. Therew eremost sign ificant differences betw een all tested taxa for the ir increm en.t The order o f vo lume betw een taxa w as PEE PCH > PEE PCB > PCH ( p) > PMA ( p) > PCH ( op) > PEE ( op) > PEE ( i) > PEE ( p) > PCB ( p) > PCC ( p) >PEE ( o) > PTA ( p) . T en hybrid fam ilies w ere se lected in the tria l fo r the ir better g row th performance. The ir averagehe igh,t dbh and vo lume w ere 6. 35 m, 10. 85 cm and 0. 035 48 m3, respect ively. Their real average gains w ere59. 39%, 48. 76%, 134. 97%, 162. 23% and 172. 29% for volume, respective ly, compared to PMA ( p), PCH( p), PCB( p), PEE ( o) and PTA ( p).
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