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引用本文:王姣爱. 氮肥用量和施用方式对“临Y7287”产量品质及HMW-GS表达量的影响[J]. 农学学报, 2012, 2(9): 1-4
作者单位:1. 山西省农业科学院小麦研究所,山西临汾,041000
2. 山西省临汾市农机局,山西临汾,041000
摘    要:摘要:为了给晋南地区的小麦高产优质栽培提供科学依据,以临Y7287为试材,在玉米秸秆连续还田基础上,于2009和2010年分别研究了施氮量和施用方式对其产量与品质的影响,结果表明,施氮量处理随施氮量递增,小麦产量呈先升高后降的趋势,以施N225kg/hm2时,产量最高。施氮处理小麦的湿面筋、沉降值、形成时间、稳定时间及评价值,随施氮量的增加,呈现先升高后降低,而籽粒蛋白质含量、HMW-GS表达量,随施氮量增加不断提高。不同施用方式处理,随底肥比例增加,小麦产量增加,氮肥全部底施产量最高;随追肥比例增加小麦籽粒蛋白质、湿面筋、沉降值、形成时间、稳定时间、评价值及HMW-GS表达量增加。考虑产量品质两因素,本试验中临Y7287在晋南地区可以选择施氮N225kg/hm2时,采用基肥:拔节肥7:3的施肥方式,实现高产和优质。关键词:小麦;氮肥;产量;品质;HMW-GS表达量

关 键 词:甜菜  甜菜  CDDP  体系优化  体系验证  DNA  

Effect of Nitrogen application amounts and patterns on grain yield, quality and HMW-GS expression of LinY 7287

Abstract: Effects of nitrogen application and patterns on grain yield and quality of LinY 7287 were studied between 2009 and 2010 after ploughing corn straw to soil for many years, in order to provide scientific basis to high yield and quality production in southern Shanxi. The results showed that, the grain yield of LinY 7287 was increased along with application amounts when nitrogen was lower than 225 kg/hm2, and then reduced. At this application amount, wet gluten, sedimentation, development time, stable time and evaluation value were also the highest. But grain protein content and HMW-GS expression were all increased along with nitrogen application. The yield was increased along with the increased of the ratio of basal nitrogen. And all nitrogen being used to basal fertilization can got the highest yield. Protein content, wet gluten, sedimentation value, development time, stable time, evaluation value and HMW-GS expression were increased along with the increased of topdressing proportion of nitrogen. In this study, the high yield and quality can be acquired when application nitrogen was 225 kg/hm2, ratio of basal to topdressed nitrogen was 7:3 in southern Shanxi. Key words: wheat, nitrogen, yield, quality, HMW-GS expression

Keywords:Wheat  Nitrogen  Yield  Quality  HMW-GS Expression
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