Abstract: | The occurrence of leptospirosis in swine of southeastern Alabama was determined. A total of 627 sera were tested, using the microscopic agglutination method, with live antigens of 12 serovars. Of the sera tested, 121 (19.3%) had a titer of 1:100 or greater to the serovars employed. The percentage distribution of sera with titers of greater than or equal to 1:100 among serovars most commonly reported was as follows: Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona, 3.8%; icterohaemorrhagiae, 3.3%; canicola, 1.6%; hardjo, 0.7%; and grippotyphosa, 0.16%. Of the less commonly recognized leptospiral serovars, the percentages reacting were as follows: ballum, 4.9%; autumnalis, 3.2%; pyrogenes, 1.1%; and bataviae, 0.4%. None of the sera reacted with antigen of serovars australis, tarassovi, or wolffi. |