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引用本文:贾丽冬 薛明 等. YTA4135柴油机振动分析[J]. 拖拉机与农用运输车, 2002, 0(6): 24-26
作者姓名:贾丽冬 薛明 等
作者单位:[1]河南科技大学471039 [2]洛阳出入境检验检疫局471003
摘    要:对YTA4 135型柴油机安装二阶往复惯性力平衡机构前后的振动进行了测试和分析 ,确定了柴油机垂向x、纵向y和横向z 3个方向的振动特性及平衡机构的减振效果。

关 键 词:柴油机  振动分析

The Vibration Analysis of YTA 4135 Diesel Engine
Abstract:The vibration of YTA4135 diesel engine with and without the two-steps reciprocating inertia force device is measured and analysed, then the vibration features of the vertical x?longitudinal y and lateral z direction are determined, also the effect of the reducing vibration of the two-steps reciprocating inertia force device is determined.
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