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引用本文:陈金平,王和洲,刘安能,丁大伟. 不同灌水策略对夏玉米水分利用效率和产量构成要素的影响[J]. 灌溉排水学报, 2017, 36(7). DOI: 10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2017.07.002
作者姓名:陈金平  王和洲  刘安能  丁大伟
作者单位:中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所,河南 新乡 453002;河南商丘农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,河南商丘476000
摘    要:于2013—2014年在河南商丘开展了5个灌水处理(T1:苗期水45 mm+拔节水60 mm+灌浆水60 mm+成熟期水45mm,T2:苗期水45 mm+拔节水60 mm+灌浆水60 mm,T3:拔节水60 mm+灌浆水60 mm,T4:拔节水60 mm,T5:灌浆水60 mm)的田间试验,研究了不同灌水处理对夏玉米阶段耗水量、总耗水量、产量、水分利用效率、收获穗数、穗粒数、百粒质量、行粒数的影响。结果表明,夏玉米不同生长阶段灌水处理的耗水量均显著大于不灌水处理(P0.05),且随着整个生育期灌水次数和灌水量的增加,总耗水量显著提高。2013年和2014年,灌拔节水和灌浆水处理(T3)的总耗水量显著低于T1处理(P0.05),产量分别下降8.0%和8.9%,水分利用效率则分别提高5.3%和0.5%。灌水显著影响了夏玉米的收获穗数、穗粒数和百粒质量。2 a的苗期灌水处理(T1和T2)显著提高了夏玉米的收获穗数(P0.05),拔节期和灌浆期灌水处理(T3)的穗粒数和百粒质量均显著大于只灌拔节水(T4)和只灌灌浆水(T5)的处理(P0.05),但收获穗数差异不显著。在节水灌溉的条件下,黄淮海平原夏玉米主产区要实现较高的产量和水分利用效率,灌拔节水和灌浆水是最基本的灌水策略。

关 键 词:灌水策略  水分利用效率  夏玉米  产量构成要素

Impact of Irrigation Schedule on Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Summer Maize
CHEN Jinping,WANG Hezhou,LIU Anneng,DING Dawei. Impact of Irrigation Schedule on Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Summer Maize[J]. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 2017, 36(7). DOI: 10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2017.07.002
Authors:CHEN Jinping  WANG Hezhou  LIU Anneng  DING Dawei
Abstract:Irrigation is essential to sustain agricultural production in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. This paper presents the results of a two-year experiment conducted from 2013 to 2014 in Shangqiu of Henan Province in at-tempts to investigate how different irrigation schedules impact water consumption, yield and water use efficiency of summer maize. In the experiment, we measured the harvesting ears, ear grain number, 100-grain weight and row grain number. Five irrigation schedules were examined:irrigating 45 mm water at seedling stage+60 mm at jointing stage+60 mm at filling stage+45 mm at ripening stage (T1), irrigating 45 mm at seedling stage+60 mm at jointing stage+60 mm at filling stage (T2), 60 mm at jointing stage+60 mm at filling stage (T3), 60 mm at joint-ing stage (T4), and 60 mm at filling stage (T5). The results showed that the water consumption under irrigation at different stages was significantly higher than that without irrigation (P<0.05). The total water consumption in-creased significantly with the increase infrequency and amount of irrigation. The total water consumption with ir-rigations at jointing and filling stages (T3) was significantly less than that with irrigation at seedling, jointing, fill-ing and ripening stages (T1) in both 2013 and 2014, with their associated yield decreasing by 8%and 8.9%and water use efficiency increasing by 5.3%and 0.5%respectively. The harvesting ears under T1 and T2 were both improved significantly compared with other treatments. Compared with T4 and T5, T3 significantly increased the grain number and 100-grain weight, while has insignificant impact on harvesting ears. Irrigating at jointing and filling stages appears to be the most efficient schedule to improve yield and water use efficiency of the summer maize in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.
Keywords:irrigation strategies  water use efficiency  summer maize  yield components
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