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引用本文:陈秀香,马富裕,方志刚,褚贵新,杨建荣,薛琳,李燕,王建江. 土壤水分含量对加工番茄产量和品质影响的研究[J]. 节水灌溉, 2006, 0(4): 1-4
作者姓名:陈秀香  马富裕  方志刚  褚贵新  杨建荣  薛琳  李燕  王建江
作者单位:1. 石河子大学新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室,新疆,石河子,832003
2. 石河子蔬菜研究所,新疆,石河子,832000
摘    要:试验从加工番茄开花期开始,设4个水分处理(分别以0~60cm土层灌前土壤田间持水量的40%~45%、55%~60%、70%~75%和85%~90%作为各处理的灌溉下限含水量临界值,灌溉上限为田间持水量的90%),分析不同水分状况下加工番茄的产量和果实品质。试验结果表明,加工番茄的产量、品质与土壤含水量密切相关,灌前过高或过低的土壤含水量会影响产量及茄红素、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可溶性酸等品质指标,灌前土壤相对田间持水量为70%~75%处理的加工番茄产量最高,品质较好,水分利用效率最高,既能实现高产高效,又可达到节水灌溉的目的。

关 键 词:土壤水分 加工番茄 节水灌溉

Preliminary Study on the Influence of Soil Moisture on Yield and Quality of Processed Tomato
CHEN Xiu-xiang,MA Fu-yu,FANG Zhi-gang,CHU Gui-xin,YANG Jian-rong,XUE Lin,LI Yan,WANG Jian-jiang. Preliminary Study on the Influence of Soil Moisture on Yield and Quality of Processed Tomato[J]. Water Saving Irrigation, 2006, 0(4): 1-4
Authors:CHEN Xiu-xiang  MA Fu-yu  FANG Zhi-gang  CHU Gui-xin  YANG Jian-rong  XUE Lin  LI Yan  WANG Jian-jiang
Affiliation:1. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture of Xinjiang Production and Construction Crops, Shihezi University Shihezi City 832003, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China; 2. Shihezi Institute of Vegetable Science, Shihezi City 832000,Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China
Abstract:Started from flowering period of processed tomato, the experiment set up four treatments, in which the lower limit of water moisture content was 40%-45%, 55-460%, 70-75%, 85-90% of field moisture capacity before irrigation in 0-60 cm soil layer, and the upper limit was 90% of field moisture capacity , to analyze the yield and quality of processed tomato under different soil moisture content . The experimental result showed that yield and quality of processed tomato had close relation with soil moisture content. Excessive or too low water moisture content before irrigation will affect yield and quantity indexes of lycopene, soluble solids, soluble sugar, and soluble acid. The treatment, with the soil water content of 70%-75% of field moisture capacity before irrigation, gained the highest yield, better quality and the highest water using efficiency. So it can realize the target of high yield, high efficiency and water-saving irrigation.
Keywords:soil moisture content  processed tomato   water saving irrigation
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