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引用本文:杨子祥,王健敏,陈晓鸣,段兆尧,叶寿德. 松墨天牛在云南松树干的垂直分布研究[J]. 林业科学研究, 2010, 23(4): 607-611
作者姓名:杨子祥  王健敏  陈晓鸣  段兆尧  叶寿德
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所,国家林业局资源昆虫培育与利用重点实验室,云南,昆明,650224
2. 云南省林业科学院,云南,昆明,650204
摘    要:松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope) (又名松褐天牛、松天牛)属鞘翅目,天牛科,墨天牛属,是松属树种如马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)、黑松(P.thunbergii Parl.)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Franch)和思茅松(P. kesiya var. langbianensis(A.chev.)Gaussen)等的重要蛀干害虫,主要危害生长衰弱的树木或新伐倒木,造成松树枯死,同时还传播松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylopilus (Steiner & Buhrer) Nickle)萎蔫病[1-2].松墨天牛在云南主要危害云南松,目前分布范围已经扩展到43县(市),并在部分地方成灾,加大了松材线虫病传入的可能性[3].松墨天牛在滇中地区1年1代,雌成虫在树干上咬出长椭圆刻槽,将卵产在刻槽中部的表皮层下,幼虫生长发育至一定阶段蛀入木质部, 在边材表面留下椭圆形的蛀入孔;蛀入木质部的幼虫在蛀道内取食,老熟幼虫在蛀道末端构筑蛹室化蛹,成虫从蛹室向外咬出近圆形的羽化孔爬出[4-5].松墨天牛是典型的钻蛀性害虫,调查和防治非常困难.前人曾经对松墨天牛在马尾松和思茅松上的分布规律进行了研究[6-8],但这些研究是某一时间段天牛的危害痕迹或幼虫在树干上的分布,对于天牛产卵刻槽、蛀入孔和羽化孔的数量关系,目前还没有相关报道.本文对松墨天牛的产卵刻槽、蛀入孔和羽化孔在云南松树干的垂直分布规律及其数量关系进行了调查分析,旨在为松墨天牛的林间调查和防治提供参考.

关 键 词:松墨天牛  产卵刻槽  蛀入孔  羽化孔  云南松

The Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Monochamus alternatus on Pinus yunnanensis Trunks
YANG Zi-xiang,WANG Jian-min,CHEN Xiao-ming,DUAN Zhao-yao and YE Shou-de. The Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Monochamus alternatus on Pinus yunnanensis Trunks[J]. Forest Research, 2010, 23(4): 607-611
Authors:YANG Zi-xiang  WANG Jian-min  CHEN Xiao-ming  DUAN Zhao-yao  YE Shou-de
Affiliation:Research Institute of Resource Insects , Chinese Academy of Forestry; Key Laboratory of Breeding and Utilization of Resource Insects of State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Research Institute of Resource Insects , Chinese Academy of Forestry; Key Laboratory of Breeding and Utilization of Resource Insects of State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Research Institute of Resource Insects , Chinese Academy of Forestry; Key Laboratory of Breeding and Utilization of Resource Insects of State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China;Yunnan Academy of Forestry , Kunming 650204, Yunnan, China);Research Institute of Resource Insects , Chinese Academy of Forestry; Key Laboratory of Breeding and Utilization of Resource Insects of State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
Abstract:The vertical distribution characteristics of Monochamus alternatus on the trucks of infested Pinus yunnanensis were investigated both in field and laboratory. The results showed that the quantity distribution of oviposition scar in trunk was lower part > middle part > upper part; and the density distribution of oviposition scar had not significant difference (P>0.05). The quantity distribution of entrance hole in trunk was middle part > lower part > upper part; and the density distribution of entrance hole was upper part > middle part > lower part. The quantity distribution of exit hole in trunk was middle part > upper part > lower part; and the density distribution of exit hole was upper part > middle part > lower part. There were positive correlations between the quantities of oviposition scar or entrance hole in lower part of trunk and the entrance hole or exit hole in whole trunk, respectively. The linear regression equations of the quantity of oviposition scar in lower part (x1), the entrance hole in lower part (x2) and the quantity of oviposition scar in whole trunk (y1), the entrance hole in whole trunk (y2), the exit hole in whole trunk (y3) are y1=7.117+2.283 x1,y2=24.220+0.701 x1,y3=8.794+0.434 x1,y2=28.805+2.211 x2,y3=20.367+0.778 x2. All partial correlations had reached the very signiticant level.
Keywords:Monochamus alternatus  oviposition scar  entrance hole  exit hole  Pinus yunnanensis
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