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引用本文:仇志军,郑素秋. 西瓜数量性状的遗传研究[J]. 湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版), 1992, 0(Z4)
作者姓名:仇志军  郑素秋
作者单位:湖南经济地理研究所,湖南农学院园艺系 长沙 410007,长沙 410128
摘    要:选用18个国内外西瓜品种为材料,对涉及到产量的12个数量性状进行了遗传研究.结果表明:各性状间存在着不同程度的遗传相关,横径,纵径和单瓜重的遗传力较低;通径分析性状对产量的相对重要性的顺序为,纵径>果形指数>横径>单瓜重>肉厚>叶民>果实发育天数>蔓长>蔓粗>叶宽>节位数>播种至座果天数;主成分分析前5个特征根其累计贡献率为87%,5个主成分分别称为生育期因子、源库因子、库因子.流因子和源因子,评价一个亲本综合性状优劣要求第一主成分值适当,第二、三主成分值越大越好,第四、五主成分值居中.

关 键 词:西瓜  相关性  遗传力  通径系数分析  主成分分析

Qiu Zhijun Zheng Suqiu. GENETIC STUDIES ON QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERS OF WATERMELON[J]. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University, 1992, 0(Z4)
Authors:Qiu Zhijun Zheng Suqiu
Affiliation:Qiu Zhijun~1 Zheng Suqiu~2
Abstract:Eighteen watermelon varieties from both China and abroad were chosen as objects for genetic studies in 12 quantitative characters related to yield. The results were shown in the following. (l)There are varying degree of genetic correlation between the characters of which heritability of cross section diameter, longitudinal section diameter and weight per melon are lower. (2) Path analysis indicetes that the characters in order of importance to yield are:longitudinal section diameter>index of fruit shape>cross section diameter>weight per melon >thickness of meat>leaf length>fruit growth period>vine length>vine d(?)ameter >leaf wideth>number of mode>days betwee sowing and fruiting. (3)By using principle component analysis, the contribution certigades of the first five characteristic roots totals up to 87%; their principle components are respectively known as the growth period factor, the resource and sink factor, the sink factor, the current factor and the resource factor; an optimum poret is estimeted accord to five principle component values.
Keywords:watermelon  correlations  herilability  path coefficiency analysis  principal component analysis
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