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链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima)cDNA酵母表达文库的构建
引用本文:冯飞,梁佳勇,纪春艳,曾洪梅,邱德文. 链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima)cDNA酵母表达文库的构建[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2009, 29(12)
作者姓名:冯飞  梁佳勇  纪春艳  曾洪梅  邱德文
作者单位:冯飞,梁佳勇,Feng Fei,Liang Jiayong(仲恺农业工程学院生命科学学院,广州,510225);纪春艳,ji Chunyan(华南农业大学植物病理学系,广州,510643);曾红梅,邱德文,Zeng Hongmei,Qiu Dewen(中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,蛋白药物工程实验室,北京,100081) ?
摘    要:
为了解细极链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima)遗传学背景,克隆及研究该菌功能基因,根据Gateway技术构建了既能在酵母细胞中表达外源基因又能在原核细胞大量复制的酵母表达载体pRS-DEST42,构建了细极链格孢菌(A.tenuissima)cDNA酵母表达文库.经检测,文库的平均滴度为2.44×106 cfu/ml,文库总容量为2.44×107 cfu(colony-forming unit),阳性克隆率为100%,平均插入片段约为1.38 kb.细极链格孢菌cDNA酵母表达文库是一个质量较高的表达文库,为克隆与分离全长目的基因及其功能奠定了坚实的基础.

关 键 词:细极链格孢菌  酵母表达文库

Construction of cDNA yeast expression library of Alternaria tenuissima
Feng Fei,Liang Jiayong,Ji Chunyan,Zeng Hongmei,Qiu Dewen. Construction of cDNA yeast expression library of Alternaria tenuissima[J]. , 2009, 29(12)
Authors:Feng Fei  Liang Jiayong  Ji Chunyan  Zeng Hongmei  Qiu Dewen
For further understand genetics background and functional genes of A. tenuissima. A yeast destination vector pRS-DEST42, express foreign genes in a low-copy number in yeast and high-copy in E. coli, was constructed. The entry cDNA library of A. tenuissima was transferred into vector pRS-DEST42 through Gateway system. The cDNA yeast expression library has a higher titer of 2.44×106(cfu/ml) and a total clones of 2.44×107. The rate of positive recombinants clones was 100% and the size of average insert cDNA was 1.38 kb. This provides a basis for isolate and study on functional genes in A. tenuissima.
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