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引用本文:王希望,赵艳,李岩. 基于Matlab地表滴灌土壤水分运动的数值模拟[J]. 农机化研究, 2012, 0(1): 67-70
作者姓名:王希望  赵艳  李岩
摘    要:滴灌条件下土壤水分运动规律是当前农业工程中重要研究领域。基于土壤水运动基本方程,结合作物根系吸水特点,建立了地表滴灌条件下土壤水分运动二维数学模型。应用Matlab软件,通过数值模拟方法,得出了Van Genuchten模型的参数值,推导了渗透参数拟合公式,进一步对地表滴灌土壤水分运动过程进行模拟。同时,利用Matlab强大的绘图功能对拟合曲线与实测数据进行了直观的比较。结果表明,所构建的数学模型对地表滴灌条件下的土壤水分运动变化具有较好的模拟效果。

关 键 词:Matlab  地表滴灌  土壤  水分运动

Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement under Surface Drip Irrigation Based on Matlab
Wang Xiwang,Zhao Yan,Li Yan. Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement under Surface Drip Irrigation Based on Matlab[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2012, 0(1): 67-70
Authors:Wang Xiwang  Zhao Yan  Li Yan
Affiliation:(College of Information Science and Technology,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,China)
Abstract:Currently soil water movement under drip irrigation condition is one of the important research domains of agricultural engineering.The paper builded two-dimensional mathematical model of soil water movement under Surface drip irrigation condition,based on soil water movement basic equations and root bibulous characteristic function.Using matlab software by numerical simulation,it obtained the parameters of Van Genuchten model and deduced the fitting formulas of permeability parameters,further simulated soil water movement under Surface drip irrigation condition.Then it used Matlab to compare the interpolation curve with the measured data by drawing process intuitively.The results show that the mathematical model can simulate soil water movement under surface drip irrigation condition and has better effect.
Keywords:Matlab  surface drip irrigation  soil  water movement
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