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引用本文:蒋鹏,熊洪,张林,朱永川,周兴兵,刘茂,郭晓艺,徐富贤. 不同生态条件下施氮量和移栽密度对杂交稻氮、磷、钾吸收积累的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2017, 23(2): 342-350. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.16280
作者姓名:蒋鹏  熊洪  张林  朱永川  周兴兵  刘茂  郭晓艺  徐富贤
作者单位:四川省农业科学院水稻高粱研究所/农业部西南水稻生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,四川德阳 618000;国家水稻改良中心四川泸州分中心,四川泸州 646100
摘    要: 【目的】 不同生态条件下水稻需要的施氮量和移栽密度不同,研究不同生态条件、施氮量和移栽密度下杂交稻产量及氮、磷、钾养分吸收利用规律,可为不同生态稻区肥料优化管理和合理密植提供依据。 【方法】 以杂交稻旌优 127 为材料,在四川德阳和泸州进行两因素列区田间试验。主区为中氮 (N 120 kg/hm2) 和高氮 (N 180 kg/hm2) 两种施氮量,副区为低密 (12.0 穴/m2)、中密 (16.5 穴/m2)、高密 (22.5 穴/m2) 3 种移栽密度。调查了杂交稻产量及氮、磷、钾的吸收利用规律。 【结果】 德阳土壤全氮、碱解氮、水稻全生育期平均太阳辐射、最高温度、最低温度、昼夜温差、积温均高于泸州点,在德阳点的杂交稻产量、氮、磷、钾吸收量分别较泸州点增加了 19.2%、24.0%、3.3%、9.5%,生产单位稻谷产量所需的磷、钾量较泸州分别减少了 15.2%、8.0%,氮需要量与泸州点相当,杂交稻氮、磷、钾收获指数分别增加了 9.2%、9.4%、5.6%。不同生态条件下杂交稻的氮磷钾吸收特点和利用特性不同。在德阳点,高氮处理较中氮处理杂交稻氮、磷、钾吸收量高但产量低;相同氮水平下杂交稻产量、氮磷钾吸收量随着移栽密度的增加而增加,以中氮高密组合产量较高,为 10.87~11.72 t/hm2,且该肥密组合下成熟期植株体内氮、磷、钾养分吸收量处于中等水平,氮、磷、钾收获指数最高,单位稻谷产量的氮、磷、钾需要量相对较低。在泸州点,杂交稻产量和氮磷钾吸收量在高氮高密度处理最优,产量达到了 9.25~9.85 t/hm2,成熟期植株体内氮、磷、钾吸收量也相对较高,但不同肥密组合之间生产单位稻谷产量的氮、磷、钾需要量差异不显著。 【结论】 生态条件显著影响着杂交稻对氮、磷、钾的吸收利用能力,进而影响作物的生长状况,需要根据具体情况制定施氮量和移栽密度。本试验中,德阳稻区温光资源充足,土壤肥力也较高,最佳肥密组合为 N 120 kg/hm2 和密度 22.5 穴/m2;泸州稻区温光资源略低,土壤肥力水平也不如德阳,其适宜的施氮量为 N 180 kg/hm2,密度为 22.5 穴/m2。

关 键 词:生态条件   杂交稻   施氮量   养分吸收   密度

Effects of N rate and planting density on nutrient uptake and utilization of hybrid rice under different ecological conditions
JIANG Peng,XIONG Hong,ZHANG Lin,ZHU Yong-chuan,ZHOU Xing-bing,LIU Mao,GUO Xiao-yi,XU Fu-xian. Effects of N rate and planting density on nutrient uptake and utilization of hybrid rice under different ecological conditions[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2017, 23(2): 342-350. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.16280
Authors:JIANG Peng  XIONG Hong  ZHANG Lin  ZHU Yong-chuan  ZHOU Xing-bing  LIU Mao  GUO Xiao-yi  XU Fu-xian
Affiliation:Rice and Sorghum Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Southwest Rice Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China; Luzhou Branch of the National Rice Improvement Center, Luzhou, Sichuan 646100, China
Abstract:[Objectives] The objective of this study is to explore the suitable N fertilizer rate and planting density of one cultivar under different ecological conditions.[Methods] Two-factor split-plot design field experiments with hybrid rice cultivar Jingyou 127 as tested crop were conducted in Deyang City and Luzhou City,Sichuan Province.The main plots were two N rates:medium (N 120 kg/hm2) and high (N 180 kg/hm2).The subplots were three planting densities:low density (12.0 hills/m2),medium density (16.5 hills/m2) and high density (22.5 hills/m2).The grain yield,the uptakes and use efficiency of N,P and K by hybrid rice were analyzed.[Results] The soil total N and available N contents in Deyang City is higher than in Luzhou City.Deyang City also has higher average solar radiation,maximum and minimum temperature,larger diurnal temperature difference and higher accumulated temperature during the whole rice growing season.With the same hybrid cultivar,the averaged rice yield,N,P and K uptakes in Deyang site were 19.2%,24.0%,3.3% and 9.5% higher than those in Luzhou site (P<0.05),the requirements for P and K nutrients to produce 1000 kg grain yield in Deyang was 15.2% and 8.0% lower than those in Luzhou,and that for N was similar.The consequent N,P and K harvest indices in Deyang were 9.2%,9.4% and 5.6% higher than in Luzhou.In Deyang.the rice yields were higher with medium N rate treatments,while the N,P and K uptakes were higher with the high N rate treatments.The rice yields,N,P and K uptakes were increased with the increase of the planting density,and the highest grain yield (10.87-11.72 t/hm2) was recorded in the treatment of medium N with high density,but the highest N,P and K uptake were in treatment of high N treatments.The relatively high N,P and K harvest indies in the medium N with high density treatment resulted in lower for N,P and K requirements for producing 1000 kg grain yield.In Luzhou.the rice yields and N,P and K uptakes were increased with the high N rate and increased planting density.The high N and high density combination produced the highest grain yield (9.25-9.85 t/hm2) and relatively high N,P and K uptakes,but similar N,P and K requirements for producing 1000 kg of grain among the six combinations.[Conclusions] There were significant differences in the characteristic of N,P and K uptakes and its use efficiency between the two different ecological conditions.The optimum light and temperature is helpful for N,P and K uptake and usage in grain formation,leading to high N,P and K harvest indices.For rice production in Deyang,the optimum combination is N 120 kg/hm2 plus density of 22.5 hills/m2,and N 180 kg/hm2 plus density of 22.5 hills/m2 in Luzhou.
Keywords:ecological condition  hybrid rice  nitrogen application rate  nutrient uptake  planting density
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