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引用本文:韩路,贾志宽,王海珍. 不同生态型苜蓿品种抗逆性研究[J]. 塔里木大学学报, 2003, 15(2): 4-7
作者姓名:韩路  贾志宽  王海珍
作者单位:1. 新疆塔里木农垦大学植物科技学院,新疆,阿拉尔,843300
2. 西北农林科技大学干旱半干旱中心,陕西,杨陵,712100
基金项目:农业部‘948’项目“高产优质抗逆苜蓿品种的引进与繁育”( 2 0 0 1-3 72 ),农业部农业结构调整重大技术研究专项项目“西北旱区优质高产抗逆紫花苜蓿品种的筛选及其配套栽培技术研究”,陕西省科技厅攻关项目“陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区退耕种草综合技术体系研究”
摘    要:本文通过2年研究7个不同生态型苜蓿品种的抗病能力、抗虫能力、抗倒伏性、耐热能力,结果表明不同生态型苜蓿品种的抗逆能力存在显著差异。巨人201抗病、虫能力强,耐高温、抗倒伏性好,属于高抗逆型优良品种。

关 键 词:生态型 苜蓿 品种 抗逆性 牧草

Study on Resistance of the Diverse Eco-type Alfalfa
Han Lu Jia Zhikuan Wang Haizhen. Study on Resistance of the Diverse Eco-type Alfalfa[J]. Journal of tarim University, 2003, 15(2): 4-7
Authors:Han Lu Jia Zhikuan Wang Haizhen
Affiliation:Han Lu 1 Jia Zhikuan 2 Wang Haizhen 1
Abstract:resistance of disease and insect pests and orthotropism and heat of seven diverse eco- type alfalfa was studied. The result displayed resistance of diverse eco- type alfalfa varieties had obvious differences. Ameristand201+z has not only good resistance to disease and insect pests but also has good orthotropism and resistance to heat .It was a high resistance of alfalfa varieties.
Keywords:Alfalfa  eco- type  resistance
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