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引用本文:周晓琳. 长期定位施肥对夏玉米氮代谢的影响[J]. 中国农学通报, 2009, 25(2): 85-88
作者单位:1. 青岛农业大学,山东,青岛,266109
2. 临邑县农业局,山东,临邑,251500
摘    要:基于 30年的长期定位试验, 研究了长期定位施肥对夏玉米氮代谢的影响。随施肥量增加,氮代谢旺盛,吐丝后穗位叶NR活性高,其中M2N2处理NR活性平均比对照提高了4.0%,其次是M2N1、N2PK、M1N2,分别比对照提高了3.7%、3.4%、3.1%。穗位叶的游离氨基酸和蛋白质含量也表现为与NR活性类似的趋势。M2N2处理游离氨基酸和蛋白质含量与对照比较差异显著。分别比对照提高了19.6%和22.2%。其次M2N1、N2PK、M1N2处理。游离氨基酸含量分别比对照提高了17.9%、16.7%、和15.4%。蛋白质含量分别比对照提高了18.5%、18.4%和17.9%。有机肥氮肥配施处理,穗位叶NR活性在籽粒形成期间维持高活性时间长,穗位叶中的可溶性蛋白含量高。氮磷钾肥配施处理穗位叶NR活性、可溶性蛋白含量显著高于氮磷、氮钾处理。

关 键 词:蓖麻、遗传改良、杂种优势、油脂、综合利用  蓖麻、遗传改良、杂种优势、油脂、综合利用  

Effect on nitrogen metabolism character of maize under long-term locating fertilization
Zhou Xiaolin,Xue Denefeng,Liu Shutang,Song Xiyun. Effect on nitrogen metabolism character of maize under long-term locating fertilization[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009, 25(2): 85-88
Authors:Zhou Xiaolin  Xue Denefeng  Liu Shutang  Song Xiyun
Affiliation:Zhou Xiaolin, Xue Denefeng, Liu Shutang, Song Xiyun(1.Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao Shandong 266109; 2.Linyi Agricultural Institution, Linyi Shandong 251500)
Abstract:30 years locatal experiment was conducted to study the effects of longterm fertilization on nitrogen metabolism of summer maize and the results showed: with the increase of fertilization amount, nitrogen metabolism was more exuberant, NR activity in spike leaf was higher after silking, the treatment of M2N2 can improve NR activity remarkably, which is increased by 4.0% more than the control. M2N1、N2PK、M1N2 then followed ,They are increased 3.7%、3.4% and 3.1% separately. the change tendency of free amino acid and soluble protein content was similar with NR activity. the treatment of M2N2 increased free amino acid and soluble protein content by 19.6% and 22.2% as compared with the control significantly. M2N1、N2PK and M1N2 then followed. free amino acid content are increased 17.9%、16.7%、and 15.4% separately. While soluble protein content are increased 18.5%、18.4% and 17.9% separately. Under the condition of used organic fertilizer with some inorganic nitrogen, NR activity in spike leaf kept longer time with higher value at filling stage, and soluble protein content in spike leaf was also higher. The treatment of combined application inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, Potassium was much better than the treatment of combined application of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus or the treatment of combined application of inorganic nitrogen and Potassium in NR activity in spike leaf、soluble protein content in spike leaf.
Keywords:Long-term locating fertilizationzz  Summer maize (Zea Mays L.)zz  Nitrogen metabolismzz
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