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引用本文:林文雄. 水稻对UV-B辐射增强的生理响应及其分子机制研究[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2013, 21(1): 119-126
作者单位:福建农林大学农业生态研究所 福州 350002
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(30971737, 30571103)、教育部高等学校博士点专项科研基金项目(20093515110009, 20050389004)和福建省自然科学基金项目(2009J01055)资助
摘    要:本文以水稻为研究对象,从细胞、个体和群体水平系统分析了不同水稻品种对UV-B辐射增强差异响应的遗传生理与防卫机制。试从农业生态系统角度,结合作者近期研究成果,系统分析了近年来国内外的研究重点及其成就。已有研究认为水稻对UV-B辐射增强的生理响应存在明显的种间差异,通常认为起源于靠近赤道附近的低纬度地区的籼稻品种比高纬度地区的粳稻品种更抗(耐)UV-B辐射污染,但许多研究结果不支持这一假说,即在籼粳稻品种中均存在明显对UV-B辐射增强呈不同抗性的种质资源。进一步研究结果表明水稻对UV-B辐射的响应差异是可遗传的数量性状。QTL定位分析结果发现多数抗UV-B辐射相关性状的加性QTL主要集中在第1、2、3、6染色体上,并检测到一些加性QTL还存在加性×加性上位性及其与环境的显著互作效应。作者还深入分析了水稻抗UV-B辐射增强的分子生理与调控机制,提出适当增加植物的硅营养,可以有效提高其抗逆性。最后,作者提出从农田生态系统角度研究和评价UV-B辐射增强所带来的生态风险及其影响是今后研究的重点,强调应重视研究田间条件下UV-B辐射增强及其与其他生态环境因子的互作对作物生长发育的综合影响,在此基础上,探索建立作物遗传改良与栽培调控的减灾防灾技术,为应对全球环境变化,制订相关防护策略提供理论依据和技术支撑。

关 键 词:水稻  紫外B辐射增强  差异响应  遗传生理  分子机制

Physiological responses and molecular mechanism of rice (Oryza sativa) exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation
LIN Wen-Xiong. Physiological responses and molecular mechanism of rice (Oryza sativa) exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2013, 21(1): 119-126
Authors:LIN Wen-Xiong
Affiliation:Institute of Agro-ecology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
Abstract:In this paper, the genetic physiology and defense mechanism to enhanced UV-B radiation were reviewed at cellular, individual and population levels of rice. Analysis and achievements of recent researches in this field under combined agro-ecosystem approach and research observations were explained. Significant differences in the responses of rice germplasms to enhanced UV-B radiation had been reported. Since ambient UV-B radiation level at lower latitudes was greater than that at higher latitudes, rice cultivars originated near the equator had been generally assumed to be more tolerant to UV-B radiation. However, no results had existed to substantiate the hypothesis that there was association between rice cultivars sensitivity to UV-B radiation and geographic origin of rice germplasms. This required researches to explore differences in sensitivity of rice germplasms (including the indica and japonica types) to UV-B radiation. Studies had shown that differences in rice response to enhanced UV-B radiation were inheritable quantative traits. Result of QTL location analysis had suggested that most additive QTL of rice tolerance to enhanced UV-B radiation were mainly located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 6. Epistasis effects of additive QTL and additive × additive QTL were also detected and appeared significantly interacted with the environment. The author also analyzed molecular physiology and regulation mechanism of rice in defense to enhanced UV-B radiation. It was determined as an effective way of increasing rice tolerance to enhanced UV-B radiation to improve silicon nutrition in rice plant. Finally, it was suggested that investigations and assessments regarding ecological risks of enhanced UV-B radiation at farmland ecosystem level be a key component of future research programs to enable us cope with the challenges of global change. It was emphasized that integrated effects of the interaction of other ecological factors with enhanced UV-B radiation on growth and development of crop be studied under field conditions. Based on the results, crop genetic improvement and cultivation regulation technology for disaster alleviation and hazard prevention was recommended to be set up so as to provide the theoretical knowledge and information for establishment of related protection strategies.
Keywords:Rice   Enhanced UV-B radiation   Differential response   Genetic physiology   Molecular mechanism
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