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引用本文:程伦国,王修贵,朱建强,刘玮,吴立仁,周淑芳. 多过程连续涝渍胁迫对棉花产量的[J]. 中国农村水利水电, 2006, 0(8): 59-61
作者姓名:程伦国  王修贵  朱建强  刘玮  吴立仁  周淑芳
作者单位:1. 湖北省荆州四湖工程管理局排灌试验站,湖北,荆州,434013
2. 水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室
3. 长江大学农学院,湖北,荆州,434000
摘    要:在长江中下游平原湖区,棉花生长期间适逢雨季,常受多过程涝渍胁迫。通过测坑试验发现棉花受多过程涝渍胁迫后减产严重,涝渍程度可用涝渍因子(SFW、SEW50、SFEW50)来描述,棉花相对产量(Ry)与涝渍因子(SFW、SEW50、SFEW50) 之间存在着显著的线性关系。

关 键 词:涝渍胁迫 减产 相对产量 涝渍因子

Influences of Multi-Stage Successive Water Logging on Cotton Yield
CHENG Lun-guo,WANG Xiu-gui,ZHU Jian-qiang,LIU Wei,WU Li-ren,ZHOU Shu-fang. Influences of Multi-Stage Successive Water Logging on Cotton Yield[J]. China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2006, 0(8): 59-61
Authors:CHENG Lun-guo  WANG Xiu-gui  ZHU Jian-qiang  LIU Wei  WU Li-ren  ZHOU Shu-fang
Affiliation:1. Irrigation and Drainage Experiment Station of Jingzhou Four--Lake Administration Bureau of Hubei Province, J ingzhou 434013; 2. State Key Lab of Water Resources and Hydropower Science, Wuhan City 43072, Hubei Province; 3. College of Agriculture of Changjiang University, 434000
Abstract:Usually, cotton is stressed by multi-stage water logging during growth stages in the plain-- lake areas at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Through pilot experiment, it is found that the cotton yield is obviously influenced by multi-- stage water logging; the degree of water logging can be described by the water logging factors such as SFW, SEW50, and SFEW50 ; there is a significant linear relationship between the cotton relative yield Ry and the water logging factors such as SFW, SEW50, and SFEW50.
Keywords:water logging stress   reduction of yield   relative yield   water logging factor
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