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Factors affecting agonistic interactions of pigs after regrouping in pens with a box
Authors:Toshie ISHIWATA  Katsuji UETAKE   Toshio TANAKA
Affiliation:Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Azabu University, Sagamihara-shi, Japan
Abstract:To determine the factors affecting agonistic interactions after regrouping, 24 pigs were allocated to six pens that each had a box. Half of the pigs were experienced in using the box. One castrated male and one female pig were transferred from each pen to another pen at random. The number of pigs attacked was particularly large for the pigs that had no experience in using the box and were transferred on the first day ( P <  0.05). The duration of access to the box was markedly longer for the pigs that had experience in using the box and were not transferred on the first day ( P <  0.05). The number and duration of attacks were significantly larger and longer toward unfamiliar individuals than toward familiar ones (both P < 0.01). The number of attacks toward the same sex was significantly larger than toward the opposite sex ( P <  0.01). A negative correlation was found between the number of agonistic interactions on the first day and the range of body weights in the pen mates ( r =  −0.78, P  = 0.07). In conclusion, regrouping with unfamiliar individuals should be avoided, but when unavoidable, the following methods are recommended to reduce agonistic interactions: (1) ensure the intruders are experienced in using a box, (2) move experienced intruders in with residents that have no experience in using a box, (3) mix different sexes, and (4) have wide variations in body weights in a pen.
Keywords:agonistic behavior    familiarity    pen design    regrouping    sex
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