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引用本文:赵洋洋,郑敏,王静,邓小成,王文峰. 烟田不同土壤改良模式对烤烟产质量的影响[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2017, 45(8). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2017.08.013
作者姓名:赵洋洋  郑敏  王静  邓小成  王文峰
摘    要:[目的]寻求与秦巴烟区自然和社会经济条件相适应的烟田土壤改良模式,以期保持最佳土壤条件。[方法]利用大田试验,2016年在陕西省陇县八渡镇研究了T_1蚯蚓粪有机肥、T_2烟秆有机肥、T_3豆饼有机肥、T_4生物炭有机肥不同土壤改良模式对烤烟生育期、农艺性状及经济性状的影响。[结果]T_3、T_4处理能提高烟叶产质量,增加烟农收益;T_1、T_2处理效果不明显。[结论]该研究为探寻最佳的土壤改良模式提供了依据。

关 键 词:烤烟  有机肥  产量  质量

Effects of Different Soil Improvement Models on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco
Abstract:[Objective] To explore the model of soil improvement in tobacco field,which is suitable for the natural and social economic conditions in Qin-Ba tobacco area.[Method] The effect of T1(wormcast organic fertilizer),T2(tobacco stem organic fertilizer),T3(bean cake organic fertilizer),T4 (biochar organic fertilizer) on flue-cured tobacco growth period,agronomic and economic traits in Badu Town, Longxian were studied by field experiment in 2016.[Result] T3 and T4 treatment could improve the quality of tobacco leaf production,increase farmers' income.The effects of T1 and T2 treatment were not obvious.[Conclusion] The study provides a basis for exploring the best model of soil improvement.
Keywords:Flue-cured tobacco  Organic fertilizer  Yield  Quality
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