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Genetic diversity of the African hexaploid species Solanum scabrum Mill. and Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae)
Authors:Mkabwa L. K. Manoko  Ronald G. van den Berg  Richard M. C. Feron  Gerard M. van der Weerden  Celestina Mariani
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Water and Wetlands Research, Department of Experimental Botany, Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands;(2) Biosystematics Group, Wageningen University, Gen. Foulkesweg 37, 6703 BL Wageningen, The Netherlands;(3) Institute of Water and Wetlands Research, Botanical and Experimental Garden, Radboud University, Toernooiveld 11, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Abstract:Two hexaploid species of Solanum sect. Solanum are present in Africa: Solanum scabrum and S. nigrum. Solanum scabrum is a widely cultivated species and is used as a leafy vegetable, as a source of medicine and as a source of ink dye. In previous studies a wide range of morphological diversity has been reported in this species and in some studies subspecies have been proposed. Subspecies are also recognized in S. nigrum. However, it has not been established whether or not the morphological differences are reflected at the genomic level. The present study applies AFLPs to study the genetic diversity in S. scabrum and its relationship to geographical provenance, morphological differences and the possible existence of subspecies within S. scabrum and S. nigrum. The data obtained were analyzed with cluster analysis (using UPGMA and NJ). The results indicate that the genetic variation within S. scabrum was higher within accessions than between accessions. Accessions did not cluster according to their geographical provenance, indicating that accessions from different geographical areas were not significantly different genetically. The clustering reflected neither morphological differences nor domestication status (cultivated or wild). The morphological differences exhibited by S. scabrum could be due to selection by farmers for different plant types. The AFLP derived clustering pattern did not segregate the subspecies recognized in S. scabrum and S. nigrum into separate subclusters.
Keywords:AFLP  Africa  Conservation  Genetic diversity  Human selection   S. scabrum    Solanum nigrum   Subspecies
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