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引用本文:薛巍,刘真祥. 曼地亚红豆杉种条扦插育苗试验[J]. 西北林学院学报, 2006, 21(3): 60-63
作者姓名:薛巍  刘真祥
作者单位:1. 西北农林科技大学,林学院,陕西,杨陵,712100
2. 陕西太白天然植物药提取厂,陕西,太白,721600
摘    要:从美国引进曼地亚红豆杉优良品种(T axusm ed ia“N igra”)种条20万根,经塑料大棚温床扦插试验,平均成活率89.3%,其中Ⅰ级条成活率为84.9%,Ⅱ级条89.2%,Ⅲ级条90.1%。6月上旬,将已生根成活的苗木移栽于塑料杯容器中,容器苗移到盖有遮荫网的大棚内,经10月底调查,平均成活率99.4%,其中Ⅰ级条成活率99.3%,Ⅱ级99.4%,Ⅲ级99.4%。目前,4 a生苗高已达40~50 cm,地径1.3~1.5 cm,苗木生长健壮,叶色浓绿,未发生任何病害,每株苗已萌发新枝10根左右,可以采条进行扩大繁殖。

关 键 词:曼地亚红豆杉  优良品种  种条  扦插育苗

The Cutting Propagation Test on Taxus media "Nigra"
XUE Wei,LIU Zhen-xiang. The Cutting Propagation Test on Taxus media "Nigra"[J]. Journal of Northwest Forestry University, 2006, 21(3): 60-63
Authors:XUE Wei  LIU Zhen-xiang
Abstract:The introduced cutting of Taxus media "Nigra" from the Rode Island Nurseries of eastern U.S.were tested in hot bed under greenhouse.The results showed that the average cutting propagation surrival rate was 89.3%,among which 84.9% reached the first class,89.2% the second class,and 90.1% the third class.If transplanted the rooted cutting plant into plastic container under greenhouse with two-layer of shade-net in the early of June,the average survival rate was 99.4%,in October,among which 99.3%reached the first class,99.4% the second class,and 99.4% the third class.Its height of five-year old plant reached 40~50 cm,and the diameter 1.3~1.5 cm,over 10 lateral branch,with strong growth and no infection of any pests and diseases.
Keywords:Taxus media"  nigra"  ,fine variety,cutting,cutting propagation
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