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The combustibility of Chinese fir and macclure michelia mixed forest
Authors:Li Zhenwen
Affiliation:(1) Forestry Research Institute of Youxi County, Fujian Province
Abstract:Based on the theory of forest burning link, the combustibility of the 6-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and macclure michelia (Michelia macclurei) mixed forest was determined in Youxi County, Fujian Province from 1988 to 1989. The results show that the daily mean moisture in the forest, moisture content of litter and the water reserves of the stand in mixed forest are 3%, 7.6% and 46.8% higher than that in pure stand respectively, the inflammables quantity and energy ratios of the stand biomass and total potential energy in mixed stand are 8.5% and 3.69% lower than that in pure stand respectively. Mixed forest can decrease the combustibility of stand.
Keywords:Chinese fir   macclure michelia   Mixed forest   Forest burning link   Combustibility
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