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引用本文:李立军,褚庆全,胡志全,吴永常. 我国主要粮食作物区域布局变化研究[J]. 农业现代化研究, 2004, 25(5): 334-339
作者姓名:李立军  褚庆全  胡志全  吴永常
摘    要:本文结合农业新阶段我国粮食生产形势,以基于GIS的中国耕作制度分区为基础,系统分析1985年以来我国粮食作物生产的区域变化,为目前及未来一段时间内的农业区域布局提供决策依据。本文研究结果即各主要粮食作物的区域变化趋势为:水稻主要产区长江中下游区、东南区和华南区,虽然播种面积呈下降趋势,而且在作物总播种面积中占的比例有所下降,但仍然处于绝对优势地位,分别占各区总播种面积的60%-70%,作为首要产区的长江中下游区的区位生产系数有所下降,东南区和华南区的区位系数呈上升趋势;小麦主产区黄淮海区和西北区在作物总播种面积中处于绝对优势地位,分别占总播种面积的50%左右,尤其黄淮海区占有绝对的优势地位,区位系数2000年上升为1.0616;玉米的主要产区为东北区和黄淮海区,东北区的玉米播种面积略有下降,但在该区播种面积比例仍然最大,占总播种面积的40%左右,东北区和黄淮海区的玉米产量在全国占绝对的优势地位,但两区的玉米生产区位系数有下降的趋势;大豆也以东北区为主要产区,播种面积比例最大,2000年占总播种面积30%.该区大豆总产量也呈持续增长态势,但区位生产系数略有下降。

关 键 词:粮食作物  区域布局  区位生产系数

Regional Distribution on Cereal Crops in China
LI Lijun,,CHU Qingquan,HU Zhiquan,WU Yongchang. Regional Distribution on Cereal Crops in China[J]. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2004, 25(5): 334-339
Authors:LI Lijun    CHU Qingquan  HU Zhiquan  WU Yongchang
Affiliation:LI Lijun~1,3,CHU Qingquan~1,HU Zhiquan~2,WU Yongchang~2
Abstract:Applying the China Farming Zoning with GIS,cereal crop production change of different zones from 1985 to 2000 was analyzed in this paper,and then according to the situation on cereal crop production,relevant advice was made out.The change of main cereal crops were the following:rice sowing areas in Changjiang Middlelower Basin District,Southeast China District and Sooth China District were still dominant in China and with 60%-70% of total cereal crops sowing areas in their Zones,although their sowing areas began to drop;Regional Productivity Index(RPI) of X decreased and RPI of Southeast Vhina District and South China District increased.Wheat sowing areas in Hunanghuaihai District and Northeast District were dominant in China and with 50% of total cereal crops sowing areas in its zones,especially Huanghuaihai District played outstanding role in China and its RPI increased to 1.601 6 in 2000.Huanghuaihai District and Northeast District were main Maize production zones,Northeast District was still dominant in its zones and with 40% of total cereal crops sowing areas,although its sowing area began to drop;Northeast Dustrict and Huanghuaihai District were the biggest maize production zones,but their RPI tend to decrease recently.Northeast District was main soybean production zones,and still dominant in its zones and with 30% of total cereal crops sowing areas in 2000;Northeast District also was the biggest soybean production zones,but its RPI tends to decrease.
Keywords:cereal crops  regional distribution  Regional Productivity Index(RPI)  
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