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引用本文:张书标,杨仁崔. e-杂交稻株形及产量构成[J]. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 31(3): 273-278
作者姓名:张书标  杨仁崔
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 0 70 470 )
摘    要:
以协青早 e A(2 ) (含有 eui2基因 )、协青早 A、 -3 2 e A(1 ) (含有 eui1基因 )及 -3 2 A为母本 ,以明恢 63、明恢 86、皖恢5 7及密阳 46为父本 ,按 p×q模式配置了 1 6个杂交组合 ,研究了 e-杂交稻的株型、产量构成 .结果表明 ,e-杂交稻具有与原杂交稻相近的株叶形态、生育期及产量水平 ;但因含有 eui基因 ,具有其特有的生物学特性 ,植株生长较繁茂 ,各个生育期的植株高度略有增加 ,分蘖数、有效穗数、穗粒数略减少 ,结实率略降低 ,千粒重增加 .统计分析表明 ,e-杂交稻与原杂交稻各性状间的差异都不显著 .构成产量的 4个要素对原杂交稻产量的直接效应为 :穗粒数 >有效穗数 >千粒重 >结实率 ,而 e-杂交稻直接效应为 :穗粒数 >结实率 >有效穗数 >千粒重

关 键 词:e-杂交稻  株形  产量构成

Plant type and yield components of eui-hybrids of rice
ZHANG Shu biao,YANG Ren cui. Plant type and yield components of eui-hybrids of rice[J]. Journal of Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University, 2002, 31(3): 273-278
Authors:ZHANG Shu biao  YANG Ren cui
Four male sterile lines including 2 cms lines (XA and Ⅱ 32A) and their eui lines [XeA(2) and Ⅱ 32eA(1)], possessing eui 2 and eui 1 gene, respectively) and four restorer lines (Minghui63, Minghui86, Wanhui57, Miyang46) were used to create a set of incomplete diallel crosses to study the plant type, yield components of eui hybrids. The results indicated that compared with the original non eui hybrids, the plant type and growth duration of eui hybrids were similar to original hybrids. But some agronomic traits of eui hybrids were different from original hybrids. eui hybrids showed a little increased heterosis in plant height, and a little decreased number of tillers. For yield components, eui hybrids decreased their productive panicles, seed setting, grain number, but increased their 1 000 grain weight. eui hybrids had the same yield level as original hybrids. Statistical results showed there was no significant difference in agronomic traits between eui hybrids and its original non eui hybrids. The yield components contributing to yield in order according to importance were grain number, productive panicles, 1 000 grain weight and seed setting rate for the original hybrids, and grain number, seed setting rate, productive panicles and 1 000 grain weight for eui hybrids.
Keywords:eui hybrid rice  plant type  yield components
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