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引用本文:王孝纲,张教海,余隆新,夏松波,袁广平,周鑫,夏关章,别墅. 密度对杂交棉产量和品质的影响[J]. 湖北农业科学, 2009, 48(11)
作者姓名:王孝纲  张教海  余隆新  夏松波  袁广平  周鑫  夏关章  别墅
摘    要:对6个不同密度处理的杂交棉从生育进程、产量性状和品质等几个方面进行试验评价.结果表明,随着密度的增加,生育进程略有推迟,单铃重和单株成铃数依次下降,衣分变化不大,每公顷3.0万株和3.9万株的处理每公顷成铃数和品质居前两位,每公顷3.0万株的处理产量最高.建议生产上适当增加种植密度,并提出相应的增密措施.

关 键 词:密度  杂交棉  产量  品质

Effect of Density on Yield and Quality in Hybrid Cotton
WANG Xiao-gang,ZHANG Jiao-hai,YU Long-xin,XIA Song-bo,YUAN Guang-ping,ZHOU Xin,XIA Guan-zhang,BIE Shu. Effect of Density on Yield and Quality in Hybrid Cotton[J]. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 48(11)
Authors:WANG Xiao-gang  ZHANG Jiao-hai  YU Long-xin  XIA Song-bo  YUAN Guang-ping  ZHOU Xin  XIA Guan-zhang  BIE Shu
Abstract:The process of birth, properties of yield and quality were studied. The results showed that the process of birth was postponed slightly when the density increased. In addition,and when single weight and bolls per plant decreased, and lint percentage was relatively stable, and bolls of hectare and quality were the first two positions of 30 thousand plants per hectare and 39 thousand plants per hectare, and yield was the first position of 30 thousand plants per hectard. It advised that the density increased necessarily in future and advanced channel of increase density.
Keywords:density  hybrid cotton  yield  quality
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