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Comparison of anther and isolated microspore cultures in barley. Effects of culture density and regeneration medium
Authors:A.M. Castillo  M.P. Vallés  L. Cistué
Affiliation:(1) Davies Laboratory, CSIRO Tropical Agriculture, Aitkenvale, Qld, 4814, Australia;(2) Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, P.O. Box 566, Tully, Qld. 4854, Australia;(3) CSR Ltd., Macknade, Qld. 4850, Australia
Abstract:Genetic variation in ratoon growth and cane yieldafter mechanical harvesting under wet conditions wasexamined among 26 sugarcane clones of diverse geneticbackground, including materials closely related toSaccharum spontaneum and some commercialcultivars. The clones were evaluated under a controltreatment (harvesting under dry conditions andallowing the cane to ratoon without furtherdisturbance), and a traffic treatment (sprayirrigation and then driving heavy field equipment overthe cane stubble immediately after harvesting). Averaged over all clones, the traffic treatment had alarge adverse effect on early growth and final ratoonyield. There was significant genotype × treatmentinteraction for early growth and canopy development,but not for final cane yield. There was also a highgenetic correlation between genetic performance underthe different treatments, indicating that selectionfor ratooning after dry harvesting conditions would bealso effective for improving performance after wetharvesting conditions. A sugarcane breeding programspecifically targeting better ratoon performance underwet conditions would be difficult to justify.
Keywords:mechanical harvesting  ratooning  selection  sugarcane  waterlogging
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