鹿茸Ca^2+含量与塔里木马鹿收茸期的关系研究 |
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引用本文: | 赵金香,;张恒,;矫继峰,;陶大勇. 鹿茸Ca^2+含量与塔里木马鹿收茸期的关系研究[J]. 黑龙江畜牧兽医, 2014, 0(9): 114-115 |
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作者姓名: | 赵金香, 张恒, 矫继峰, 陶大勇 |
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作者单位: | [1]营口理工学院,辽宁营口115014; [2]塔里木大学动物科学学院,新疆阿拉尔843300; [3]新疆生产建设兵团塔里木畜牧科技重点实验室,新疆阿拉尔843300 |
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基金项目: | 国家自然科学基金项目(31160437;31360536);国家级大学生创新训练计划项目(TDGCX201229) |
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摘 要: | 为了确定不同年龄段塔里木马鹿鹿茸的最佳收茸时间,保证鹿茸的药用价值,试验选取老、中、青3个年龄段的塔里木马鹿各6头,采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法,分别测定不同生茸时期鹿茸中Ca2+的含量。结果表明:青年组至6月17日鹿茸上段Ca2+含量增加显著,确定其最佳收茸时间以6月17日为宜;中年、老年组的最佳收茸时期在6月3日左右,三者存在时间差异。
关 键 词: | 塔里木马鹿 生茸期 Ca2+含量 鹿茸 收茸期 |
Study on the relationship between calcium content and harvest time of the velvet antler in Tarim wapiti |
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Affiliation: | ZHAO Jin - xiang, ZHANG Heng, JIAO Ji - feng , TAO Da - yong ( 1. Yingkou Polytechnic Institute, Yingkou 115014, China; 2. College of Animal Science, Tarim University Alar 843300, China;3. Key Laboratory of Tarim Animal Husbandry Science of Technology, Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps, Alar 843300, China) |
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Abstract: | To determine optimum harvest time of the velvet antler in Tarim wapiti, and to ensure its medicinal values, Tarim wapitis were selected from the three groups of 6 each, including the old, middle and young groups, respectively, and then were used for the determination of the calcium ion contents in the velvet antler during different antler growth periods using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. The results showed that calcium ion contents of the upper section of velvet antler in the young group increased significantly on June 17th, which was determined as optimum harvest time of the velvet antler; the optimum harvest time of the velvet antler in the middle and old groups was on June 3rd or so; there were time differences among the three groups. |
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Keywords: | Tarim wapiti antler growth period calcium ion content velvet antler harvest time of the velvet antler |
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