School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
A state-transition model based on Leslie matrix formulation was used to investigate the effects of herd immunity and age structure on the infection of a simulated cattle herd with bluetongue viruses under Australian climatic conditions. Increasing duration of immunity decreased the prevalence of infection. A duration of immunity of 33 months was consistent with prevalence estimates made from previous serological studies of bluetongue virus. Herd prevalence displayed slowly dampening cyclical variation over time (most pronounced when a short duration of immunity was simulated). Increasing calving and mortality risk rates in the simulated herd increased prevalence, whereas increasing age at first calving decreased prevalence. Manipulation of calving rates had the greatest effect on the predicted prevalence of infection in the herd. Simulation of a number of herd-management scenarios suggested that management systems in which cattle are bred early and where high calving rates are achieved are likely to contribute to high levels of infection with bluetongue viruses. Results confirm the importance of management factors in influencing the prevalence of infectious diseases in animal populations.