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引用本文:钟伟,王琦,刘明清,孔泳滔,程振明. KC1对中间球海胆幼虫变态的诱导效果[J]. 水产科学, 2001, 20(2): 12-14
作者姓名:钟伟  王琦  刘明清  孔泳滔  程振明
摘    要:
中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)八腕后期幼虫,在KC1添加浓度100mmol/L海水中,分别处理5,10,15min后,均变态为正常稚海胆,中间试验及生产应用结果表明,经KC1处理,幼虫的附着时间缩短了36h,附着率则分别增加了40.4%,27.75%。

关 键 词:中间球海胆 人工诱导 变态 幼虫 氯化钾 人工育苗

Metamorphosis Inducement with KCl on Larval of the Japanes Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermidius
ZHONG Wei,WANG Qi,LIU Ming qing,KONG Yong tao,CHENG Zhen ming. Metamorphosis Inducement with KCl on Larval of the Japanes Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermidius[J]. Fisheries Science, 2001, 20(2): 12-14
Authors:ZHONG Wei  WANG Qi  LIU Ming qing  KONG Yong tao  CHENG Zhen ming
This paper studied the effect of KCl on the larval metamorphosis of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermidius .The larvae were induced normally by exposure to sea water supplemented with KCl concentrations of 100 mmol/L within 5 min,10 min,15 min,respectively.The result show,on the medial examinations and the applications of large-scale production,the settling time of the larvae of sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermidius are shortened 36h and the rate of their settling are increased 40 4% and 27 7%,respectively,when the larvae are induced metamorphose by exposure to sea water supplemented with KCl.
Keywords:KCl  Strongylocentrotus intermidius  inducement  metamorphosis
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